* Scared *

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“ Scared of destiny,
Scared of past...
Scared of nightmares,
Still healing other's scars.. ”

Third Person's POV

" Wh-where am I now ? " The boy asked after waking up in a unfamiliar room. His eyes were trying to adjust with the light of the room as he tried to sit up. But his wounds weren't helping.

" Hell. " Another deep voice roared inside the room making the other suddenly flinch and look at the voice's direction.

" Ki-Kim Taehyung... " The boy recognised Taehyung in the very first glance and he wasn't quite happy. Just like seeing Jungkook is a nightmare, seeing Kim Taehyung is not safe at all.

" Sehun. " Taehyung called gritting his teeth . " Wh-why are you here ? " Sehun asked and Taehyung raised his eyebrows. " I think I should ask that to you instead. " Taehyung spat.

" Jungkook took me here. I- I will work for h-him. " Sehun said and Taehyung suddenly got off of the couch marching towards him .

" You'll fucking work for no one ! You wanted to kill Jungkook ! You motherfucker ! " Taehyung yelled grabbing Sehun's collar almost choking him.

" I did...but now I wo-won't ! I'm only here for my deserved property and the dead body of Park Jimin ! " Sehun said unknowingly making Taehyung's blood boil.

" YOU MOTHER FUCKING FILTHY MORON ! " Taehyung yelled slapping hard across Sehun's face who hissed in pain.

" You will never get any fucking thing ! Before that, I'll fucking kill you! Cut you into pieces and throw on the road! DON'T FUCKING DARE TO HURT JUNGKOOK AND J-UGHHH ! " Taehyung frustratedly clutched a fistful of Sehun's hair.

" Dare to fuck with anything and I'll fuck your death harder ! " Taehyung snarled making Sehun gulp.

" Live few days of your life Sehun. You'll be tasting your death soon " Taehyung said throwing Sehun away and leaving the room.

Sehun was angry and confused .

" It's not me who'll be tasting death. It will be you! Your Emperor and his damn Doll ! And everything will be mine mine and MINE ! " Sehun said as an ominous smirk appeared on his face.


" Ah-ahnnn nh.... " Jimin moaned louder as Jungkook nibbled over the already marked spots on his neck. The hot water was still pouring over them as Jungkook held Jimin against the glass wall.

Jimin's fingers were tangled in Jungkook's wet raven locks as the older claimed his lips again.

" Will you keep wanting it to be only me ? Like this ? " Jungkook asked again Jimin's lips.

" Even after my death... " Jimin replied instantly . " Just let me be there with you Master... wherever it is, whenever it is... I just want to be called yours... " Jimin continued as he tried to pull Jungkook more closer. He really felt dizzy and it made him think he's tired and sleepy.

" You'll get hurt in the end . Why are you in this loosing game then ? " Jungkook asked pressing Jimin more on the wall with his hands roaming all over the younger's body .

" Cause I love the master of this game... I adore this game where only
he can rule me.... Cause it's the game where I'll only die if he orders me too... I've got nothing to loose except my life in this game and I'll gladly loose it if he wants...if he's happy...if he smiles... " Jimin said whatever he felt as tears left his closed eyes.

Black Rose // JIKOOK // ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora