* Special Person *

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“ The angel loved him despite all his flaws but didn't know which special spot he occupied in
the Devil's heart . ”

Third Person's POV

" This place had my favorite foods and dad would always let me eat whatever I wanted despite getting scolded by mom. The city view was just the same fascinating like now. "

Jungkook didn't know why he felt like telling everything that was in his mind. Jimin's attentive glossy eyes made it more hard to hide. Jimin's eyes made Jungkook feel comfort that he never felt. Why does he feel like he can tell Jimin anything and the later will always understand ?

" It's been 15 years after I last came here. It was the place where we would often come after mom and dad came back from any business tours. They loved this place so much, just like me. " Jungkook said with monotone yet Jimin could hear noticible pain and sadness in that husky dark voice.

Jimin didn't know what to say, how to make Jungkook stop from hurting himself inside. He knew the older was remembering everything and hurting.

" After them, I never came here. Cause there was something I promised them about coming here . Nor I could afford coming here back then. " Jungkook said with a dark chuckle while his right hand glided up to Jimin's exposed neck, trailing his fingers up and down there... making Jimin bite his lips.

" Afterwards that once rich kid was shoved away by the gaurds from here because he broke a plate while washing them. Well, that I was my stupidity. I expected kindness from them. " Jungkook said and a tear drop left Jimin's eyes.

" They didn't feel like paying that nine years old for washing their dishes cause he looked ugly , poor and pathetic. " Jungkook said pressing his lips on Jimin's exposed collarbones and nibbling there.

Jimin clutched on Jungkook's back as he cried silently knowing Jungkook was telling him about the cruelties he has faced.

" But when he became powerful, they feared him. They showed the respect that is only for the money. The fear made them look down and shiver in the mention of that pathetic boy's name. " Jungkook said against Jimin's neck as he pressed his lips more on the satin ribbon choker.

" The-they were s-so cruel..." Jimin hardly said as Jungkook's nibbles trailed up to his jaw. It was really too hard when Jungkook was telling Jimin all these and the same time doing all these.

" They still are Dollie. The only difference is , I have the Power now. The Power they can't stand against to." Jungkook said before claiming Jimin's cherry lips in a enticing kiss.

Jimin's fingers got tangled with the older's long raven locks as they shared the kiss with those unnamed emotions wrapping them together. Jungkook pulled Jimin more closer by his waist and his right hand supported Jimin's nape .

Unintentionally or intentionally , Jungkook's mind went back to fifteen years ago... How he was so happy that day and what he actually said to his parents.

« Flashback »

" Yeeeeeee !!! I love this place so much Dad !!! See that building! So beautiful! Those purple lights ? Mom ? Aren't they very beautiful!? " An eight years old boy asked with utter excitement and joy while running towards the railings . His Bambi eyes gleaming with happiness, his straight long hair swaying in the air , the pink coloured bunny like plushie tightly held by him.

" Kookie ! Don't go near the railing baby ! It's dangerous! Come back here!" A beautiful looking lady said as she tried to follow her joyful son with an worried face.

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