* Same Sins *

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" Different motives , Different times
.......Same Sins..."

Third Person's POV

" Whatever you say Baby Doll.."

Jimin believed his best friend, he knew the later hates his own identity and tries to forget his parents. Taehyung can never betray.

" May be it's a misunderstanding ? ",
Jimin thought in his mind.

Taehyung kept his head down as those words were replaying on his mind. He couldn't bear his own best friend, Jungkook, for whom he has left everything behind, killed his own parents.....now mocking him for his cheater father?...and all this for the culprit himself ?

" Acting innocent! Aren't you Park Jimin !!? Trying to lie more! Trying to make Jungkook think bad of me!? aren't you!? How fool I'm to believe in your sly acts! Your lies! ",
Taehyung murmured to himself while clenching his jaw.

" Let's join the party. We've some pending works to do there. ",
Jungkook said and everyone else knew what was that. There was professional Killers, traitors and other hired people who wanted to kill Jungkook and his main syndicators. And of course his Black Rose if it's possible.

" Our men already completed with the minor pests Boss. But there's a lot of actually skilled people waiting. Should we order our men to kill a majority of them before we enter ? ",
Kai asked.

" Where's the fun then ? ",
Jungkook asked with a deep chuckle before getting up with Jimin in his arms. The younger got startled before Jungkook put him down on the floor.

" Leave. I'll be joining there. ", Jungkook said and everyone nodded looking down as usual.

Everyone stood up and bowed before leaving the room. Jimin was about to go when he felt a strong hold on his left forearm for a split second before he found himself pressed on Jungkook's chest.

" Where are you going Baby Doll..? ",
Jungkook asked pulling Jimin more closer by his waist. Their faces were inches apart with their hot breath tingling on each other's lips.

" Y-you told everyone to leave...",
Jimin stuttered placing his hands on the older's broad clothed chiselled chest.

" Not you..",
Jungkook murmured in a husky tone while his eyes were on the younger's alluring lips. He could hear Jimin's fast heartbeats against his chest. He could tell the younger's body was excited.

Jimin's eyes lingered through the flawless tanned skin of Jungkook's neck where his veins were well visible. He always noticed how the older has a mole on his neck in the same area as his own. The older's neck always made Jimin giddy to do something there.. just like he did last time.

" Are you ready to face the crazy killing game Baby Doll..? ",
Jungkook asked brushing his lips on the corner of Jimin's lips.

" As long as I'm doing it for you Master...",
Jimin answered meeting the older's fearless sharp strong gaze.

Their eye contact remained still, both of them looking deep into each other's eyes, trying to find each other more. Both of them being each other's life changer.

Jungkook was the one who was thinking harder this time. He couldn't stop but trying to think everything differently. For the first time he was thinking about anything other than revenge, power and money. Thinking about odds. Thinking about what if his life was different, if he wasn't the Jeon Jungkook he's today..? What if he wasn't a Billionaire Businessman and the most feared Mafia Boss... what if he was a dancer or a normal employee of any office, living normal life.. walking on the streets whenever he wanted......what if he met Jimin in that simple way..? How those protagonists meet in those stories..?

Black Rose // JIKOOK // ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ