"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 2

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Peter couldn't really do anything in that situation, except for clenching his eyes shut. Wade must've been reading by abspulet crushing jinx because he could barely breathe.

"Wade-ahg! Can't. Breathe." Peter tapped his shoulders lightly this time.

The debris had lifted and Wade rolled off (lol).

"Ok, we're going to have to run for it, Pete. Are you ready?" Wade grasped for Peter's hand.

He nodded. "Of course, dumbass."

Wade squeezed his hand. "Okay, one, two, three!"

They stood up and bolted to the other side, and to the fire escape. There were more shots, but they dodged all of them.

Peter winced as he scraped his elbow on something sharp.

They climbed down really fast and hopped down.

Peter held his bag tight and drew his gun out, Wade having his out a long time ago.

"Okay, the car is around the feds. Maybe we can make it." Wade motioned with his hands.

Peter rubbed his elbow.

"Awe, baby boy." Wade pouted. He grabbed Peter's elbow and kissed it. "There."

Peter smiled and they ran some more.


The captain winced. "We get it! We have to make sure it's safe to proceed before barging in. Maybe sending your men in would help instead of sitting your ass at your HQ."

Fury hung up and turned to the Avengers. "Which one of you are going out to search?"

They all sat in silence. "Okay then, Clint and Natasha go. You're more educated on assassiny things."

"Bye, Natasha!" Bruce saluted, awkwardly. He quickly sat back down as the avengers stared at him.

Natasha smiled. "Bye, big guy!"

They arrived at the site. Some passerbys watching, news reporters, and angry cops of course.

"Ahh Black Widow andddddd." The cop snapped his fingers. "Don't tell me...."

Clint stood unamused as Nat snickered.

"Arrow!" He clapped. "No that isn't right.... ermmmmm... bird boy?"

"Hawkeye." He replied. "It's Hawkeye, you know what? Just call me Clint."

"Clinterois?" They all started laughing.

Natasha held in her laughter.

Clint stood still. "So where were they last spotted?"

They continued laughing. Clint stormed off, the opposite direction where Peter and Wade were headed.

"Other way, Clint!" Natasha walked over, jutting her thumb over her shoulder.

Clint sighed. "I'm getting old okay? I have kids."

Natasha's eye twitched. "Sure, bud."

They walked towards the building where Wade and Peter were. They had already dashed off and were heading around to their car.

"Look, Nat." Clint rubbed some blood off of the pole.

"Blood?" She walked over.

"Seems like it, probably they were going a little too fast on their way down." Hawkeye wiped the blood off and turned.

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