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Sorry Kacchan

I raced back in my dorm tripping over myself. I fell right on Kacchans lap head first. I looked up.

"Deku? Your back?" Uraka said making me float off Kacchan.

"I'm so sorry, I know the kiss was just because of the quirk and I was so jealous and selfish that I push you guys away a-" uraka let me down as I mumbled the rest of my apology. Kacchan just grabbed my face and kissed me.

"We can talk more later I'm gonna go" uraka hurried out as soon as the door shut behind her. Kacchan grabbed my face and gave me another sloppy kiss. I pulled away to breathe. "I thought I wasn't your boyfriend" I forced out threw paints and sobs. I didn't even know why I was crying still.

Kacchan lifted my head up and looked into my eyes. "Your not my boyfriend your my husband you damn nerd d-dont forget that" he said flustered and almost angry that he stuttered. I started to laugh. And Kacchan just laughed with me. Than he started to cry. I looked at him concerned.

"Why are you crying Kacchan" he put his hand on his face.

"D-damn it!" More tears came as he pulled something out from his pocket a small little box. " I-im sorry I kissed her. But I needed to love you without the quirk."


"I needed to make sure this was something I really wanted to do." He wiped his face and opened the little box. It had too shiny diamond rings in it. I started to cry. I just felt so overwhelmed with what was happening. He wiped my tears and started to speak again.

"I promise to make you happy forever. And we'll be come the number 1 hero's together. I pr-promise to be by your side always I love you...nerd" he put the ring on my finger. The back of it said bakugo and his said izuki.

I laugh cried and bakugo looked genuinely concerned. "I-I l-love you too Kacchan!" I smiled and the tears came down both of our faces.

"Guess that means you accept"

"Why would I decline" he hugged me and we sat there kissing passionately threw our tears and laughs.

Aww I freaking loved making this!! Sorry it was kind of short but awww bakugo!!!

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