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I woke up from my uncomfortable position in my bed. It looks like i had been dragged here. I was hanging off Kacchans side of the bed with the blankets and pillows halfway on the bed. The last thing i could remember from last night is spin the bottle.  I slowly got up immediately feeling pain in my head.

I remember kissing todiorkoi and Mina kissimg uraka. Who knows how many people i kissed last night and to think none of them were Kacchan. I sighed and reached for my phone sitting on the edge of the bed. There were so manny missed calls from Kacchan and text messages i read each one carefully before i called him back.

I have no idea what you idoits are doing right now. But i just want to let you guys know that i love you all. Especially you izuki i know i dont really show it. But i do. And im sorry that sometimes i make promises i cant keep. Im sorry izuki please forgive me. I love you.

That was kind of weird. He woild never just say those kinds of things out of the blue. I decided to call him. There was knocking on the door.
"H-hold on guys."

"Deku you might want to hear this."

"Hey this is katski im ehtier doing hero shit or to busy to answer your call leave a message and ill get back to you."

The knocking continued. and the beeping echoed in my air.

"Midoirya? Can we talk please"

"Your gonna wanna hear this"

"Just a minute guys" i was trying to balance the noises coming from all directions all while trying to process what the heck was going on. Out of frustration i swung open the door.

"Sorry to bother you but take a look at this." Ida said as everyone looked at me in concern. I sat there wondering what the fus was about.

"The league of villains are at the mountains it says they attacked."

My heart dropped. That were Kacchan was. And he isnt answering my calls. Before anyone could say anything my phone went off. "Hello!? Kacchan!? Oh thank god your ok o was worried."

He proceeded to tell me how he was fine and than told me he had to go. I sighed in relief happy that he was safe. "Well is that it guys?"

"I mean atleast him and hawks are safe. But dont you find it weird that your the number 2 hero and they didnt send you with him?"todiorkoi said.

"Yeah on big missions like this they always send you guys together" mina added.

"I mean he has hawks there and im sure there are other proheros to back them up." I said to have everyone calm. Well more to make myself feel calm. I know he just called me and told me everything was fine but.. i just had this unsettling feeling. My stomach turned at the thought that everything wasnt fine. That something big was about to happen. And i would be completely oblivious to all of it.

"Well there has been 3 different outbreaks with the same quirk and the same problem" ida said placing a paper on the table we all leaned in. "Here is endeavor and mirko they have been working on this mission since last week."

"Than here momo, tsu and rock lock and present mic have been working on last minute" uraka added.

" here were mr.aziwa, tokoyamia and shinsuo last minute had to work on." Mina added.

"Than here. Bakugo and hawks."

"The groups are mainly split into fours and threes but here were the league of villains so happen to be other than any other place is here. Where there are only 2." Ida said.

As much as i didnt want to do this. I couldnt help but find it suspicious. Its like i said earlier. Its like there spliting the heros up. Why are there only 2 were the league of villains are. While the big groups are scattered around the least dangerous part.

"Uhh were sorry we didnt mean to put you under pressure or anything!" Denki said as the others looked at me in concern.

I didnt even realize i was crying. I touched the side of my face. To  my now  damped cheeks. "Its fine. Im just gonna go rest for a bit." I shuffled to my room tripping over things. I flopped on the bed.

I didnt want to believe what they were saying. Kacchan just called me meaning everything is fine right? I curled into a ball crying. He made a promise hes going to come back to me i know he is!

The way they explained it everything made sense. Like the league was setting the heros up or something. But i had to ignore no matter how much i cired i know Kacchan is ok. I know hes fine.

Bakugos pov...

I backed up. My back hitting the wall. Shit i should have known.

"Well, well you call yourself the number 1 hero huh? What a joke." She kicked me down sitting me in an uncomfortable position.

"Where the hell is hawks!" I yelled. She giggled and took the knife out her pocket and licked the blood that dripped from it. Changing her appearance completely.

"You mean..this hawks" she giggled. "Hes actually helping aziwa and the others right now. They think that rock lock and the rest of group 3 are here. So while everyone is thinking theres 3 heros here helping on the scene"

She giggled in between her last sentence and swiped the knife across my face.

"Theres actually only one."

Ou guys i lowkey gave myself chills touga simps stand up!! Cause she about to have her moment! If anyone is confused theres supposed to be 3 spots not 4 but the league of villains tricked everyone so that they can get bakugo by hisself. And yall know whats about to happen now right. im sorry but shit about to get real😭!!

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