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I hope were not to late! What if she hurt him already!?

"Calm down midoirya were gonna end this ok?" Todiorkoi turned iver and smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Right".

We got in the car speeding down to the mountains. I couldnt help but feel impatient. Just hold on a little longer Kacchan were coming.

Bakugos pov...

Whats that feeling. Please dont tell m3 they came already. No no damn it.

"Dabi, twice your up."

"Got it!" I watched as they ran off.

"No!" I tired to move but i was weak from the ass kicking i had already got.

"Well hero, can you scream for me?" She grabbed my chin and held it tight.

"Get off me"

"Hmm i always wondered what it would be like to kiss deku" she gently rubbed her finger across my face stoping at my lips. "Deku wouldn't mind if i got a kiss in hm?"

I tried to pull away. There's no way in hell im letting her kiss me.

"The lips that kisses my little deku. You still smell like him i wonder what other spots smell like him" she smirked. She forced her lips on mine. I pulled away to haso for air.

"Hmm didnt feel as good as i thought it would" she jumped up and moved closer to the machine. "Well ground zero this was fun but looks like izuks here time really does fly huh"

"Wait no! Dont hurt him hurt me! Ik the one you want damn it!" I screamed slowly crawling towards her.

"Why cant we have both? Without a symbol of peace the world is ours to rule. And thanks to your foolish husband we will get what we want."

Damn it shes right. I shouldn't have sent that message. Deku and the others are going to die! But i wont let that happen! I stud up unsteady but i managed. I walked over to her slowly.

"Want me to handle this? Your number 2 is here"

"Oh kk you decided to be yourself again huh, make it quick shikgarki wants them all dead." She ran down were the others were. I heard loud booms and screams. Crap! I got my last bit of strength and got in my stance.

"Come on. Lets get this over with." I said walking to her. Just to suddenly collapse in her arms. No no! Damn it not now!

"Its ok bakugo. Im gonna get us all out of here" she whispered.

"What?" I replied.

"Im sorry for what ive done. So this is the only way i can help. You rest fir now ill handle this" she tossed me around her back.

"But i..i have too"

"Its ok Katski." She started to run. She was surprisingly strong. I wanted to move i didnt want her to have to help me. But i couldnt move.

Dekus pov...

"We have to keep fighting!" Hawks yelled.

There were way more vilians than the last time we saw the league. Meaning the already knew we were coming and called all the villains they could.
This was a battle of evil and good right now. This has got to be the worse war weve ever battled in.

"Deku you have to go find bakugo will back you up!" Ida yelled.

"I cant just leave you guys!"

"Its ok we will be fine now go!" Shinsuo yelled.

I quickly ran. If i were a villain and i took the number 1 hero where would i take him. I looked around me. This place looked really familiar. Right we cane here when were in middle school. There were dorms, hotels and a cave! I ran quickly to it to see a dark area. All the villians but touga and shikgarki are fighting up front which means they must have Kacchan. I slowly walked around. Stopping at chains and blood.

Oh god. Is this Kacchans blood? I looked around in panic trying to see if he was anywhere around here. He has to be right?the didnt kill him and toss his body somewhere. I started to sob and look around in a hurry. Than i saw a figure at the end of the hall. Is that touga or shikgarki?

A blast came flying this way. I rolled over. That was an explosion meaning.."Kacchan!" I yelled.


I ran to him tripping over things as i got there. It was him i grabbed him and we hugged each other really tight. "Im sorry i should have knew earlier"

"Its not your fault"

We continued to hug each other. I than examined his body. He was beat up and bleeding everywhere. "Oh god we have to get you out of here what did they do too you!?"

"Dont worry about that right now we have to get out of here."

"What do you mean we have to go help the others!?"

"They will be fine right? Come on me and you need a place to hide." He took my hand and i stayed there. "What are you doing we have to go now"

I backed up and got in my fighting stance. "Your not Kacchan"

"What are you talking about idoit of course i am"

"No. My Kacchan is stubborn but he would never think to run away from any villain. And he would never leave our friends!" There concerned face turned into laughter. As there entire appearance changed.

"Wow deku you really are smart."

Bakugos pov...

"Look there's the others!" Me and kk ran down as shinsuo and denki ran over to us.

"Bakugo are you ok!?" Denki yelled.

"Yeah were fine" kk added.

I looked around. "Wheres izuki?".

"He should be with you he gave us the signal that he found you??" Shinsuo said.

"No i havent seen him at all"

Denki and shinsuo looked at each other. Before i could say anything deku came flying across the sky and into one of the rocks.

"Is that deku!?" Kk yelled.

This isn't good. I tried to get up and run to him but a pain shot through my body. What the hell did i do wrong!? Im such a fucking fool! I cant keep anyone! No i refuse to lose deku again.

A large blast came right for him. Everything was i slow motion at this point. I remembered everything. From the moment i hit him to the moment we kissed. What is this? Am i dieing? I didnt know if this was what it took to be a hero or not. If i was even doing the right thing. But even if i wanted to stay still and ket myself rest. My body moved on its own and i sprinted into action. Feeling the blast go clean through my stomach.

I heard screams and everything went black. Where am i? Did we win? Is deku ok?

I couldnt feel anything. I couldnt hear or see anything. What was this? I barely had time to put everything together because i passed out and was completely alone with me and my thoughts.

Are you happy izuki? I kept part of my promise.

Oh god why do i do this to myself😭!!

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