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I was just laying their. It seemed like me and Kacchan haven't had a break. Time ourselves. Time with friends or family. Time with each other.

Lately it's been all about the mission. Finding the remaining villians and making sure Kacchan doesn't get kidnapped agian. We didn't much but we knew all they wanted was to take out the symbol of peace. And what made it more difficult was the fact that Kacchan has to much pride. He doesn't want help from anyone. Kacchan has always been like this, you would have though him getting a nice husband and becoming the number 1 hero would change him even just a little. Kacchan is soft but not soft enough to let anyone that close in.

He was moving around a lot tonight. And he was sweating again. I got up and turned the ac on than laid back down and hugged him. This was happening a lot lately. Even if Kacchan won't admit to himself or anyone else. He's having nightmares. He scared. He's still hurting. And still remembering every single death. Especially kk.

Whenever we woke up who wouldn't even give me time to ask him about it. Whenever I check up on him he shuts me out. It almost reminds me of middle school Kacchan. He was always so cocky and overconfident. He hated me because I was so weak. Than in high school hated me because I was so strong and didn't he know how he became so beneath me.

But that's a different story right? Now it was cold. I turned over and got more comfortable in the blankets than I heard Kacchan start to twist and turn. I moved back to face the blonde who was now clenching the sheet of the bed and squeezing his eyes shut as tears ran down his face.

"D-don't touch h-her please" he whimpered and sobbed out. "Y-you can't make me choose!"

He must have been dreaming about kk. Her death hit Kacchan especially hard. She was a big help in me and Kacchan getting back together and they were friends ever since.  but I didn't really know what he meant by Choose

Meanwhile in Kacchans dream...

Bakugo: y-you can't make me choose I won't do it!

Shigarki: is that so maybe I should pick for you(smiles and walks towards deku)

Bakugo:(cry's out and try's to move from the chains) NO!

- basically bakugo has been chained up by og league of villains they are forcing him to choose between deku or kk which ever one he will choose can live and they will both be let go. The other will be desegregated right in bakugos face-

Shigarki: times clicking hero,who will you choose?

Deku: just pick her Kacchan it's ok I'll be fine! Once this is all over she will snap me away and you won't have to deal with the pain anymore!(he cried out)

Kk: no! Choose him you waited to long to get him back! I'll snap them away once you guys are safe!

Bakugo: do you guys think I want to forget you!(sobbing) I-I don't want to lose anyone else. Can't you see that I can't choose even if I was forced too!

Kk:(crying) idoit your such an idoit


Shigarki:(sighs) well we both know who you have the sweet spot for. And what's one less hero?(smirks and walks towards deku)

Bakugo:NOOOO!(trying to break out the chains) ILL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME!!(trying to activate his quirk)

Kk:(crying and trying to break out) don't touch him!!

Deku: I'm sorry I'm so sorry.(closing his eyes)

Bakugo: don't you dare fucking leave me again!!

Kk:(try's to activate quirk)

Shigarki: oh and for the record(smirks and puts his hand on dekus head) you guys couldn't forget even if you wanted to, these chains are designed to damage your quirk and it doesn't come back without the proper treatment.


Shigarki: which means you will have to deal with the death of your husband until little ms. Kk's quirk is all better. That's one way to break the symbol of peace without actually hurting him huh(smirks)

Kk: no!(trying to get out)

Deku: I'm sorry. Be the hero you want to be. Be my hero katsuki.(smiles before vanishing into dust)

Kk:(shocked) d-deku.

Bakugo: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!(imagine bakugo screaming in the most heartbroken scream you can think of.)

The panting blonde jolted up.
"Kacchan!? Calm down!" 

"N-NO DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" He started to attack me. I put my hands up as devence he was still sleeping.

"Kacchan calm down it's just a dre-" I was silenced by the punch he landed on my face. He got me a few more times and my nose started to bleed. I quickly grabbed his hands and activated my quirk. If I could get him still just for a few minutes I could wake him up.

"LET ME GO!" He activated his quirk and we both flew off the bed. I switched places with Kacchan so I would hit the wall and not him. And a sharp pain shot across my entire body.He continued to attack me.

I flipped him over activating my quirk so that way I had the upper hand."Katsuki wake up! It's just a dream wake up!!" I never call hi bye his real name. But I was scared. And i had hit him so he must be in pain.

He slowly opened his eyes from beneath me. I hated seeing him like this. I didn't want to have to hold him down or hurt him. But he wouldn't wake up and I didn't know what else to do. Tears came down his face and he looked scared of himself .

"D-did I hurt you like that? W-was that me?"
He said with a shakey vocie.

"Yes but I'm fine"  my blood fell on bus face. He tired to get up and walk out but I grabbed him and tighten my grip.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but you can't keep running from me." I said.

He didn't say anything. He just loosened his grib and sobbed under me. I didn't like him breaking down like this. I know he didn't like it ethier. I loosened my grib on his risk and cried with him. I rested my head on his shoulder and we both just sobbed.

I wish things could be different. I really do. But since I can't make that happen Kacchan. We just need to stay by each other's side no matter what. Please just..

Stay by my side.

Alright guys the moment we have all been waiting for me updating this story😂

this is why I love you || Deku×bakugoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें