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Day 3

Dekus pov..

"How about this one?"

"Yeah,yeah its good" uraka frowned.

"You know baby if something's bothering you.."

"No im fine really"

"Well ok than ill be right back, excuse me we want this cake!" She said going to the lady.

Today me and uraka were trying out some cakes for the wedding.  There were only two days left untill me and uraka got married. Wow time really does fly. I took the ring out my pocket one final time. I knew that i had to let any feelings for Kacchan go. It was wrong of me to love them both. I pulled the other ring out and sat them on the table. I flopped my head down and sighed.

What were we Kacchan?

Bakugos pov..

Knock knock!


"Go away" i snarled my head sunk into my blanket.

"Come on man open up!!"

" we havent seen you walk outside and forever!"

"Theres no Villan attacks so why would i need too...just leave me alone" i turned over. Than i heard the vocies get closer than my beds weight shift.
I sighed. "Curse you having the key to my damn house"

Kirshima laughed.

"Come on man the weddings in two more days!"

"Thats exactly why im not showing up" i turned over to face them.

"Jeeze man it looks like you've been crying for a while" ida added.

"Oh shut up" i said turning back to the wall.

"What about our plan! Ya know making
deku fall in love with you again"

"Yeah bakugo i sent him to your place for a reason" todiorkoi added.

"Wait  you sent him?"

"That wasnt what we talked about" ida added.

"Uhh! There is no us! And there is no shitty izuki!!" I yelled. The room got silent.

"Come on man your really just gonna give up like that"

"Yeah the bakubro i know and and love wouldnt give up"

"Well i guess you need to go find him because he isnt here" i put the blanket over my face. What was the feeling. Just a few days ago i was deku crazy and now i just dont have the motivation to do anything. "Why are you idoits still he-" i peeked out see that they were gone and my closet was slightly open. I sighed well at least i can be depressed in peace.

Meanwhile the guys at Kamnaris place..

Denki: you sure that suit is going to be enough to change his mind.

Todiorkoi: agreed i mean this is bakugo were talking about.

Kirshima: maybe we should just leave him alone.

Denki,ida,todiorkoi: whatttttt!!

Denki: you were so invested in it he was like your number one guy!

Kirshima: i know but if this doesnt work i guess will have to give up none can make this decision but bakugo.

Ida:(sighs) i guess he's right guys all we can do now is hope bakugo will open up. And take his chance.

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