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2nd week.

"Oh come on she was totally your type dude!"

"Yeah bakubro"

"Arent you guys supposed to be helping me get the nerd not replace him" I snarled massaging my eyelids. I'd been up all night with these idoits on a dating app.

"Ohh yeah that is what were here for"

Kirshima wrapped his arm around me. "Well you should get some rest were gonna go " he said patting my back and getting up.

"Later!" Kamnari said pushing the others out.

I sighed I was finally going to get some rest.

I put my head in my blanket. Listening to my  music. I started think i literally only 1 week left till i tell deku how i feel. Its crazzy how time flys when you have something important to do. I sunk into my bed and blasted my music. As a memory came into my head.

Bakugo: here we go member's of the agency bakugo ah!(falls)

Deku:(runs to help and puts his hand out) are you oo Kacchan!? I was really worried!?

Bakugo: uh (slaps hand away) i dont need help from you quirkless loser!(kicks him in the water laughs and walks away with his friends)

Deku:(crying) i dont get it.. why doesnt Kacchan like me..

Man i really was a dick to him huh. Hes right how could he date a jerk like me maybe i should just stop and give up. Hes happy with uraka right? He made that very clear in middle school that day. No! I made a promise damn it! Maybe its a promise i cant keep. Uhhh! I stood up and looked in the marry and started to memorize what i would say to him.

Deku pov...

Yes im freaking running in the rain. But i had a memory a full on memory of Kacchan giving me the promise. Every word. Every tear. Every kiss. It wasnt uraka it was Kacchan! It was always Kacchan! I hated the ran but i needed to see if Kacchan still felt the same way. I ran up to his door surprisingly unblocked? I creeped in he has a nice place. I saw him through  his door it was cracked open.

"Uhhh! Stupid fucking idoit! With your stupid smile! And dumb puffy hair! Uhhh your fucking dream to be the number 1 hero! Uhh stupidity!!"

My heart sink. Was he talking about me. I backed up.. and ran out the door.  It was to late Kacchan hated me and its all my fault! Tears rolled down my face as i ran to any house i could find.  I knocked on there door crying when they opened it i fell to my feet.

"Midoirya? Why are you out here in the rain?"

"Todiorkoi?" He let me in and gave me some dry and warm close. And we sat down and drank tea. This felt like it happened before. Todiorkoi laughed and i was actually scared for a minute.

"Im sorry this is kind of like old times isnt it"

"What do you mean"

"Back in middle school, whenever you and bakugo had an argument you would always run to my room even tho you'd run to any room you coild find" he laughed out.

"So me and Kacchan were together" i sighed and put my tea down. " now he hates me"

"What do you mean? Hes been head overhills for you this whole time,  hes probably beating himself up for not telling you sonner as we speak"

Or he was saying all the reasons he didnt like me anymore.

"Hmm,its still raining i would let you soemd the night here but the others are sleeping in the guests room."

"I-its fine i guess ill just get a ride"

"No,no, youll get sick and uraka isnt home and you domt have your keys so you need some place close to stay"

Well he still is as observant as my friends described.

"Ok bakugo will be here shortly"

"B-B-B-BAKUGO!" "W-WHY KACCHAN!?" I started to grab my things this couldn't be good.



I watched as todiorkoi opened the door. And i soak and wet Kacchan walked in and looked at me. "Come on shitty nerd i know you dont like the rain"

I blushed. "Oh no,no its fine really!" I tried to get pass him but he stoped me and put his jacket over me.

"Like id let you get sick, idoit" it looked like he was blushing. We thanked todiorkoi and headed for his house. When we got there he sat a warm shower for me and had food for when i got out. The bathroom door opened. "Kacchan?" The curtains flew open. "Ahhhhh!"

"Quit screaming its just me, move over"

I did as he said. He got in and started to wash his hair. I was blushing like an idoit. No no! He doesnt like you any more! And your abiut to get married stop it!!

"Oi want me to wash your hair"

I might not remember much but i knew not to telm Kacchan no. I shook my head yes. He came over to me and scrubbed my hair. It felt really really good. Kaccham has nuce hands a bet he has an even nicer di- ahh! What am i saying!?

We got out and ate food. I was in Kacchans over sized shirt. I stood in the doorway as he layed in his bed. I guess im sleeping in the guess room. Before i could walk away kacchan opend his mouth to speak.

"Come on."

I blushed at his words and got in the bed next to him. After a few hours of sleeping i got horny. I know i know! But i couldn't help thinking about what happened in the shower and Kacchans nice body and juicy abbs. I couldnt hold it anymore. I looked to make sure he was sleep than got too it. I started to moan not even meaning too. I bit the the blanket to try and quiet myself down. But every thought of Kacchan made me want to go harder and so i did.


I froze. Was he up? D-did he hear me!?

this is why I love you || Deku×bakugoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora