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I sat there staring at my soba.


"Huh u-uh sorry yes!" I responded.

"Sorry things may already be to much pressure on you. Ill take alana and alora you get some rest" he said.

"B-but todor-"

"No butts im taking them and your getting the break you only have 2 days off make it count" he said grabbing the kids and walking out.

I also left shortly after. Its been about 3 months since kacchans death. I haven't cried. I havent slept. And I barely ate. I didnt dare sleep in our bedroom. It wouldnt be the same without his warmth or presences. Ive been feeling nothing. But something if that makes sense.

I looked at the clock. Its been 2 hours already? Was I really sitting here in this same spot on my couch for that long? I got up and went to the bathroom. I sat there in the shower watching the water spill down. Why didnt i do anything. He moved to help me that say even while in pain and all i did was stand there.

"Uraka where are you!?" Kirshima yelled.

"I-im here! I cant see anything! There's blood in my eyes!" She yelled back.

"Ok im going to find you!"

Mina was currently fighting off dabi with tokayami and hawks.

"Alright kids hes getting stronger by the second we might have to retreat"

"We cant leave without getting the girl!" Mina added. She leaped pass dabi and launched for the girl not before she was attacked and flung into a building.

"Ashido!" Tokoyami yelled.

Everyone was fighting to save the target. I was giving my all untill...


Bakugo started to cough up blood. Izuku was in shock at what he was seeing so all he could do was stand there untill watching alora reach for him made him snap out of it.

"Get back!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted his surroundings sending everyone flying back.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku watched as the love of his life was about to sacrifice everything.

Kirshima grabbed him and held him back.

"L-let me go!" He yelled trying desperately to break free.

A smile ran across bakugos face. He was happy that of all people he got to spend his life with it was these idiots.

"Bakugo!!!" Alora yelled. Trying her hardest to break free from her sister's grasp.

Tears ran down izukus face as the prettiest light hes ever seen came and left as quick as it appeared.

Smoke filled the area and he jumped out of kirshimas arms running the others following after.

"Kacchan!" He said digging away at the piles of building. "Kacchan!" He was losing his patience.

"Midoroyia!" Todoroki yelled out only to stop a few feet away from midoroyia.

"No..no no no no!" He yelled hitting bakugos lifeless body.

Kirshima came and grabbed izuku holding him down and stoping him from hurting himself. "I know..i know."

The last thing they all heard was the painful scream izuku let out.


I stoped the shower water. Why didnt i just move earlier. Why didnt i just go instead i stood there. I stood there and let it happen. It should have been me instead of him. He had been through enough why couldnt it just be me going through pain for once. I got out the shower and got dressed.

I sat there on the couch. Everyone tells me it isnt my fault but it is. I saw the signs. I knew what he was about to do. About to risk. And yet..i still hesitated to move. "Bakugo.."

"Bakugo huh?" I heard from the door step. My eyes widen. Can it be? No it can't possibly be..

"Im home."

My heart sink and the tears came down uncontrollably. I haven't cried in forever. It feels so werid. My hand turned and to my surprise there he was.. "ka-"

He cut me off with a kiss. A long passionate kiss. This wasnt like his normal kisses. Its like the one on our wedding night. The one in the hospitals. This is Kacchans "i love you" kiss.  A kiss just for me.

"You havent slept have you?" He said touching the bags under my eyes.

I slapped Kacchan across his face.


Im guessing he saw my teary eyes and quivering lip.

"Im sorry. They didnt want any villains attacking me while i was recovering."

I didnt say anything i just cried.

He sighed and kissed me again. This time on the cheeks and every other available spot on my body.

I started to laugh. And kacchan wiped my tears.

"You should have told me"

"Thats what the old hag said. If there was a way i could speak with you guys while in a coma.."

He started. "Fair point"

We stood up off the floor and headed to the kitchen.

"You know the entire world thinks your dead right" I started.


I smiled. He turned towards me and gave me a hug. "You really think some shitty villains could keep me away from you. Nothing is going to stop me from spending my life with you."

I smiled and kissed him. " i know. And this is why i love you."

Suddenly the door flung open and we were attacked by hugs.

"HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL US YOU WERE ALIVE!!" denki said crying.

"And you stoped at the store before you told us you weren't dead!" mina and uraka cried.

He rolled his eyes. "Hate the media."

"Im calling everyone over we're celebrating!" Denki yelled.

"Absolutely not."

"Aww its ok kacchan come on lets have a little fun"

"Uhh fine"

"Awwwe he's listening to the love of his life~"


"Seriously you guys are meant to be together"



Hi guys this is actually the official ending!! Sorry for giving you all the scare that i did. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey!! I thank you all for the love and support🥺❤️!!

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