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*guys this is bakugos pov*

I don't understand why i had to be the one to get hit by this assholes quirk. None else but the teachers and that damn half n half basterd know. How could i get hit with such a shitty quirk!

"Kacchan?" He said getting up and yawning."uh my heads killing me" he than grabbed his head.

"Do you remember anything?" I said getting up and handing him some water and 2 pain killers.

"N-no not much" i wacthed making sure he took them both. "Come on you need to shower you were throwing up all over the place" i said picking him up.

"Sorry kacchan i must have been a bother the other day"

Trust me you didnt do anything. I wish i could have controlled myself better yesterday. I dont need that icyhot bicth thinking he can look down on me. I ran the water and also got in. I didnt dare look in dekus direction i knew if it happened here i wouldn't be able to stop myself. Damn it! I punched the wall.

"Kacchan? Are you ok?" I could hear his vocie getting closer. This damn idoit! "Get back deku! Dont you have something eles to do! And stop fucking checking up on me like were friends your nothing to me!" Damn it i ket to mucb slip. That was a little harsh that isnt what i meant.

"Oh...sorry kacchan" i heard him stepping away. Damn it! I didnt mean to say that. But i cant let him get close to me. Ill just wind up hurting him and i wont forgive myself if i did that.

I dryed off and walked back in the room. To deku just sitting there smiling at me it looked like he was just crying...but what really could i do. I couldn't touch him, talk to him, even  look at him sometimes without losing my cool. I don't get it why does this nerd still give me that smile. That stupid smile that drives me crazy.

"Kacchan?" He flinched as i pet his hair. Then touching his cheeks than his lips.... if i kept this up i knew it wouldn't be good. But i couldn't stop. Damn it you fucking nerd why do yiu have to be so cute. I touched his lips rubbing my finger back and forth.

"K-kacchan" i was about to go in for a kiss he squeezed his eyes shut untill shitty hair and dumbass walked in. For the first time im not mad they came in. I would have hurt deku really bad.

" DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO KNOCK DUMBASS!" I said quickly leaping off of deku.

"Wow, what going on in here" denki chuckled out.

"Another word and ill blast you all!" They just laughed and walked in as uraka an some others followed. Deku just stood there like an idoit.

this is why I love you || Deku×bakugoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن