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The talk

"What is there to say Kacchan" i didnt dare turn to face him. The moment i look at him i know i will break down.

"If we dont talk about theres gonna be a huge gab here."

"Im fine Kacchan." I knew i wasnt fine . Everything in me just wanted Kacchan to grab me and hold me. Tell me that the kiss meant nothing to him.

In that moment Kacchan turned me over and was now ontop of me holding my mouth.


"Do you like him! What did the kiss mean to you!? You kiss him th3 same way kiss me so does it mean nothing to you!?"  I cried out. He loosened the grip he had on my face but didnt get off me. It took him time to answer my question.

"Izuki..the kiss did mean something. It felt like there was a spark there"

Tears rolled dow my face harder. Than he tightened his grip on my fac again. It kissed me it last a while before i pulled away to breathe.

"You are my husband. I dont care if the sexist girl walked pass me right now. You are the person i wanted to marry. Which means im not going anywhere and no kisses get me as excited as yours."

Ive never seen Kacchan this open. Weve been married for a while but hes never opened up to me like this since he gave me the promise ring in middle school. I started to cry more as he kissed me again.

"Y-your such a big softy Kacchan!"

"Shut up."

Bakugos pov...
I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked and didnt see deku anywhere. "Mm. Izuki?" Still no answer. I assumed he was just in this bathroom or something untill i heard a loud crash. And those idoits yelling.

"Stop it guys!"

"Kirshima let go!"

"Dont hurt him!"

What the hell was going on. I was irritated and walked out to them pulling deku and kirshima off of each other. "What the fuck"

"Bakugo your up! Help us sort this shit out!" Denki said holding deku back.

"Yeah man, there not letting up" shinsuo said holding kirshima.

"What are you guys doing."

"He told me to talk and than he attacked me!" Deku screamed.

"Youve been attacking me my entire life!" Kirshima yelled.

They kept throwing insults back and forth at each other. I didnt understand were this was all coming from suddenly. He helped me out during the wedding so why we he be mad. And i havent seen deku this fisty since i broke his all might figure.

"Alright we will talk this out the right way!"

15 minutes after tieing them down and putting them on opposite sides of the room. We all started to talk.

"I don't get it! What do you see in him!"

"Hes my fucking husband."

"But i was always there! You never noticed me once! Instead of falling for the guy that always by your side you went for the person you hated! I thought even when he loss his memory you would come to me! But you never did! You never looked my way once!"

I wacthed as he broke down. Causing deku to cry too. The entire mood was just off and i hated it. "Listen i know how you feel im not saying i didnt like you. You will always be my bestfriend." I got up and patted his kirshimas head. "But deku will always be my number 1 option"

Withim seconds he broke out and attacked deku. They started to fight again.

"Well that was one way to put it"

"Ohh shut up!" I yelled. We were trying to pull them off each other. When suddenly


"Uhh what happened?" Kirshima asked. We all just looked at each other terrified.

"Wow bakugo didnt know i was mate to the party, what in gods name is going on here?" Kk said.

"Our hero!" They all started to hug her  as kirshima and deku stood there wondering what was going on. She erased there memories from yesterday and today. Which means unless she snaps for them again they have no clue what happened.

We continued the day as usual laughing and having fun even tho i hated hanging out with these idoits i will admit today was a little fun and they helped me out alot. I smiled and remembered everything these idoits have done.

Thanks guys..

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