Wen Wen fell into a tangled mood.

If it is a hired bodyguard, he can let someone live in a small house next to the old house, but isn't it not good for Uncle Yue?

Suddenly, Fu Yunruo thought of something and quickly said, "Mr. Yue, if the matter of your staying here comes out on the Internet, it will be a scandal!"

Fu Yunruo remembers that Si Yue has not had an affair since his debut, and his resume is clean. If this is spread out, the hot search will not boil.

Si Yue said: "It's okay, the clear ones will clear themselves."

Fu Yunruo: "..."

Fu Yunruo bit her scalp and said, "Then, if you live here, it's not convenient to shoot a show, right?" This is a live broadcast, and she doesn't want to be searched anymore.

Si Yue said: "The filming of the show has been suspended." The Internet is full of blood and blood. It can be called a fight between gods and gods. The program group can only suspend the filming of the show whether they want it or not.

Moreover, he heard news that Fang Xueruo had been driven out by the local villagers and could only temporarily live in a house rented by the program group.

Among the local villagers, there are many in-laws between villages and villages. The relationship between Shili Baxiang is intricate, and the relationship between people is very important. Fu Yunruo is a family member recognized by Shanghe Village.

My family was bullied. The people in Shanghe Village told their Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts, and the Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts told other relatives that they came and went. Don’t you know the people who came to film the show and the people who bullied them? ?

I heard that other guests were not doing well in other villages. Although they were not driven away directly, they did not cooperate with the filming program.

Only Si Yue and Xin Xu were not treated coldly because they had a good relationship with the villagers and Si Yue had defended them.

It is still unknown whether this program group will be able to shoot.


He looked at the mother and son and seemed to realize that he was not popular, and then stepped back and said, "If you really mind, I remember that there is a wood shed not far from the old house? I can live there."

Fu Yunruo knew that it was the reason she and Fang Xueruo tore up the show that caused the show to be stopped, and she was also one of the culprits. He also thought of the wood house, which was the old yellow mud brick house from a long time ago. The original owner made bright tiles. After the house, I moved away long ago, and it became a place for the homeowner to stack firewood.

Where can people live in a house that has been in disrepair for a long time?

It was a good intention. He agreed to Wen Wen's unreasonable request, and he did what he said. Where else could he live in a wood house? This rain will have to use a basin to fill the rain with nowhere to go.

Fu Yunruo's brain twitched and suddenly said, "How can you live in a wood house? Just live at home. There are many vacancies."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't wait to bite her tongue and commit suicide. Why did she say it because she herself refused?

Si Yue smiled, "So, then it's annoying." Then he turned his head, looked at the only male in the house who was being punished, and asked his opinion, "Will Wen Wen welcome me?"

Wen Wen hesitated, thinking that it would not be good to let the idol sleep in the wood room, and finally nodded.

Si Yue said seriously: "Then please advise me more."

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