😷 Bronchitis 😷

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Thank you to Beckyxx06 for this prompt.

It was the 16th show of the Take me home tour and the boys were in their tour bus about to head of to the stadium.

"Harry? What are you doing in there? We're gonna be late. Hurry up!" Liam yelled through the bathroom door.

Inside, Harry stared at himself in the mirror. Normally, he liked what he saw, but not today.

He didn't feel well. His chest was sore and tight, as if his lungs were being squashed.

He looked through his toiletries bag, finding some paracetamol.  He took 2 with a glass of water, then washed his face, before leaving the bathroom.

"About time!" Liam groaned. Harry sighed and they all left to find their car that would take them to the stadium.

The car ride only took five minutes. Harry was quiet the whole way, which was very unusual.

"You ok Haz?" Louis asked. They sat next to each other, shoulders touching. Harry looked at Louis and put on a fake smile.

"I'm fine." He replied. He hated lying to the boys, especially Louis, but he didn't want to worry any of them.

In the dressing room, the boys were getting ready.

"Just going to the loo." Harry croaked, leaving the room.

"Is he ok Lou? He sounds rough." Niall asked.

"He said he was fine, but you're right, he doesn't sound too good." Louis replied, as he took his jeans off.


Harry was locked in a stall in the toilets. He was sat with his head in his hands. His chest felt so tight. He coughed. But he found he couldn't stop. He coughed so much that he gagged and had to spit in the toilet.

Maybe it was his asthma.  He wished he had his inhaler on him, but it was in his bag in the dressing room. He coughed more and more, bringing tears to his eyes and making him feel hot. Eventually he stopped coughing, but he felt weak. He flushed the toilet, washed his hands, splashing cold water on his flushed face and headed back to the dressing room.

"Harry's been gone ages. Do you think he's ok? Maybe you should go check on him Lou?" Zayn suggested.

Louis got up and was heading to the door, when it opened and Harry walked in.

"There you are! Are you ok? You look like shit mate!" Niall said.

"Shut up Ni!" Louis said, pulling Harry into the room and making him sit down. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good. I need to get ready." Harry replied, pulling himself away and heading to the clothes rail.


The show was under way and it wasn't going too well for Harry. Whenever there was a break between songs where one or more of the boys spoke, he would go off stage and cough. He had his inhaler there, as always and kept puffing, though it wasn't really helping.

"Harry...are you ok to carry on? That cough isn't good." One of his management team asked, concerned.

"Yeah...I'm...ok...just...need...to catch my....breath." he panted after another coughing fit.

The show carried on and Harry felt worse.

It was the second to last song when his body had enough.

He was singing a solo, when he coughed and couldn't stop. He passed out, cold, onto the stage.

Louis was there in a split second. "Harry! Oh god wake up please."

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