Chapter 12

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*/The outfits are a suggestion. You can wear whatever you want. So please stop commenting about them it gets annoying. */

(To Jeremy)

He was drawing when the doorbell rings so he gets up and goes to the door and its a guy holding pizza. "Hey. Its gonna be $22." The pizza guy says.

"Elena, (Y/N) I need the money. Uh, here, come in. Just put it on the table." Jeremy says.

(To me)

I run down stairs when I suddenly feel an unbearable pain in my chest and I nearly fall when Stefan catches me just in time. Elena then runs past us and goes over to the guy and I look up at the guy and feel an unfamiliar vampire presence. The guy then walks out the door after receiving the payment and I look over at Stefan with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" Stefan asks and I shake my head.

"That guy was a vampire and he just got invited into our home." I whisper to Stefan and his eyes widen and I stand up straight while Stefan lets go.

"I'll go after him. Stefan says with a worried expression and I nod. I'll see you Elena." Stefan says as he quickly rushes out the door.

(Time skip)

Stefan couldn't find the guy so he went home only to see books are all over the floor and he continues to walk till he sees Damon. "What are you looking for, Damon?" Stefan asks.

"Not your concern." Damon answers.

"No, but putting Elena and her sister in harms way that is my concern." Stefan says.

"Heh, heh. What are you talking about?" Damon asks.

"I'm talking about Atlanta." Stefan answers.

"Oh, yeah. We all had a blast, especially Elena." Damon says.

"I get it. You're bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love And poor Katherine is just out of reach. Unless theres another way... For you to get into that tomb. That what Bree said?" Stefan asks.

"You're pathetic when you're fishing." Damon answers.

"You're transparent when deflecting." Stefan responds.

"Don't you have school?" Damon asks.

"I much rather you realize that you have feelings for a girl that isn't stuck in a tomb." Stefan says as he then walks away.

(To Jeremy)

Who was sitting in class and just had a paper handed out to him. He lifted up to see it was his extra credit and had an A on it. "Surprised? Its a good essay. Your thoughts are clear, and your argument is well laid out. Its just, uh You dont actually think there are vampires in Mystic Falls?" Rick asks.

"No, I mean, I think statistically theres been more animal attacks Mysterious deaths, uh, people gone missing and more than any other place in the whole commonwealth of Virginia." Jeremy answers.

"Its conjecture but creative, which is why you got the A. I just wouldn't get too, uh, caught up in the whole conspiracy theory of it all." Rick says.

"Hey, I wont." Jeremy says as he goes to leave.

"Oh, uh, Jeremy, the source that you cited for the 1860s info Uh, Johnathan Gilbert?" Rick questions.

"Oh, my ancestors journal?" Jeremy asks.

"I'd really like to see that sometime." Rick answers.

"Really?" Jeremy asks with a surprised expression.

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