Chapter 22

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(Time skip)

Elena and I walked into one of the scientist labs where we saw Bonnie. "Hey, thank for meeting me." Bonnie says as we then walk over to her and I smile.

"Anytime Bon, Bon." I say, but then I see the spell book and turn to her with a confused expression.

"I wanted you two to see this." Bonnie says looking over at the book.

"Is that Emily's?" I ask and Bonnie nods.

"I've been going through it since Grams died. Check this out." Bonnie says and both Elena and I looked down at it.

"That's the vampire compass." Elena and I chorused.

"Yeah. According to Emily, Johnathan Gilbert never succeeded in inventing anything. Emily secretly spelled them all with magic. Compass. Rings. The mystery device you both told me about." Bonnie says and I looked closer.

"Yep, that's it." Elena says.

"Part of it, Damon only has the one piece." I affirm.

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine. But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. This was the only way she could think to help... To let Johnathan Gilbert believe he'd actually invented these devices." Bonnie explains and I nod.

"I get it... I would have most likely done the same." I respond.

"Does it say what it does?" Elena asks and Bonnie then looks a bit closer.

"Are you sure this is what Isobel wants?" Bonnie asks.

"Yep." I answer.

"Why?" Elena asks.

"This is a weapon. Against vampires." Bonnie answers and I sigh.

"I kinda figured that's what it was." I announce and they look at me with a confused expression.

"Does it have to do with that vision you had when we were at the Salvatore Boarding house?" Elena asks and I nod.

"What vision?" Bonnie asks I then begin to explain what happened in the vision.

(Time skip)

I was walking to go get in the car, when my shoulder is then grabbed. I then go to hit the person, but I then see Isobel and I sigh. "What the hell do you want, creepy mother dearest?" I ask in an annoyed tone and she smiles.

"I'm your Mother, (Y/N). I wanna be more involved in your life." Isobel answers and I scoff.

"That is a big fat lie and we both know it. I mean, you obviously hated me before we even met for the first time yesterday." I declare and she smirks.

"Damn you are so clever... However I am too and I've been studying you and Elena. So let's see if I got this right." Isobel says as she then turns to see Bonnie. "There is the other witch and best friend for you and Elena, but it seems Elena's closer to her. Aw..." Isobel as she looks over at Jeremy and I turn to look over at him to see he is talking with Elena. "The sad little brother, Jeremy. And there's Caroline the one you seemed to be closer to than Elena is. Surprising seeing how obnoxious and preppy Caroline is compared to your emo-ish clothing. I got all my info from her, by the way. She had no idea who I was and she wouldn't stop yapping." Isobel explains and I glare at her.

"So that's an F- for cheating. All your info was from one of my friends so not really studying Mommy dearest, better luck next time." I say with a smile and I go to walk away.

"Ah, and there's Tyler the ex cheater, who broke your heart... Just cause you didn't want to be romantic physically. I kinda feel for him." Isobel says and I glare daggers at her.

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