Chapter 7

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(To Tyler)

Who was walking out of a shed looking place. "All right. Later, man." Tyler calls out.

"See ya, bro." A guy calls out from the shed as Tyler is walking over to his car. Tyler suddenly hears something and stops and turns to look behind him. Tyler then turns and begins to walk slowly to his car, he makes it to his car and opens up the trunk and puts his stuff in there. Once he is finished he walks over to the drivers side door, opens it and gets in.

"Hi, Ty." Vicki says sitting in the passenger and Tyler quickly turns to her.

"Whoa! Vicki? Everyone's looking for you." Tyler says with a worried expression on his face.

I know. Vicki says with her head down.

"What's wrong, Vick?" Tyler asks.

"I'm so cold." Vicki answers while rocking a little bit.

"Are you on drugs? Everyone thinks you're off on a bender." Tyler explains.

"I wish." Vicki says.

"What happened in those woods, Vicki? Those kids that were killed, what did you see?" Tyler asks and Vicki raises her head and tears are flowing from her eyes.

"I'm so scared." Vicki answers.

"Come here." Tyler says as they hug. "It's ok. I'll take you home." Tyler says when Vicki pushes herself back from him.

"I can't control it.' Vicki says.

"Control what?" Tyler asks, very confused.

"I am so hungry, Ty. And it won't go away." Vicki answers going a little closer to Ty.

"What are you on? What drugs did you take?" Tyler asks and Vicki then brings herself to Tyler's neck.

"I want it. I'm so hungry, Ty." Vicki says.

"Ok, look, I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back. Look, let's just get you home. Vicki!" Tyler calls out when Vicki's face completely changes and she goes after Tyler. "What is wrong with you? Vick!" Tyler bellows as he falls out of the car and onto the road backing up from Vicki who got out of the car and goes over to him and goes to bite him when someone grabs her.

"Ahh! Let go of me!" Vicki calls out as Stefan grabs her and Tyler goes to run, but Damon stands in his way.

"What's going on here, Stefan? What's wrong with her?" Tyler asks, turning to Stefan.

"You don't talk." Damon says.

"Screw you, dude." Tyler says, turning to Damon.

"Dude? Really? Dude?" Damon asks.

"Damon, don't." Stefan says sternly.

"Oh, come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?" Damon asks.

"(Y/N) will!" Stefan calls out and Damon puts on a confused face looking over at Stefan and Tyler punches Damon and he looks at Tyler menacing.

"Oh! Don't you hurt him." Vicki says glaring at Damon.

"He's (Y/N)s ex-boyfriend." Stefan says and Damon sighs, but grabs Tyler by the neck annoyed.

"Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here. Also-" Damon moves closer to his ears and whispers very quietly so the other two couldn't hear. "Don't go near (Y/N) if you know what's good for you." Damon whispers and then throws Tyler to the other side of his car and Tyler begins to groan in pain, he then gets up, but no one else was around.

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