Chapter 31

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*/The outfits are a suggestion. You can wear whatever you want. So please stop commenting about them it gets annoying. */

(To me)

"What the hell?" I question as I wake up, but only to see nothing but darkness and it felt like I was moving. "Please don't tell me I am in a trunk." I think as I go to move my cramping arm in a different position, but I hear a rattling like chain noise as I do. I let out a sigh, however I suddenly hear breathing next to me and I about almost jump out of my skin, but a thought occurs to me. "Oh yeah. Elena and I were kidnapped... Why-" My thoughts were interrupted when we stop moving and I no longer hear the roaring engine. "Shit I should probably pretend to be asleep!" I think as I hurriedly get back into the position I woke up in and close my eyes. I laid there for what felt like forever, until finally I heard a click sound and sunlight sealed through my closed lids. I open my eyes just a little so it looks like I'm still sleeping only to see a guy lift up the sleeping Elena from the trunk and walk away. I quickly shut my eyes back when I saw another person walking back over only to then pick me up as well. I feel them set me down, which I believe to be another vehicle and yet another trunk, but this one is more spacious. I then hear another click sound and I quickly open my eyes back up to look around to see were in probably an Expedition. Suddenly I feel a vampire presence and I roll my eyes. "Of course it's a fucking vampire!" I curse as I look over at Elena and barely shake my head.

"Thank you for your help." I hear the man driving the vehicle say.

"Is there anything else?" The man that was driving the car asks.

"One more thing. Come closer. Please." The driver answers and I get a nasty feeling so I lift my head up and look towards the window. "Closer." The driver beckons. Car driving guy walks closer and the driver quickly sinks his fangs into the mans neck as I hear his muffled screaming I quickly lay back down. "Damn it. I need to find away to get these damn cuffs off along with getting Elena and I out of here and fast. I don't want to find out what they plan to do with us." The vehicle we are in begins to move.

(To Jeremy)

Yo, Elena! (Y/N)!" Jeremy calls out and knocks on both our doors that lead into the bathroom, but there was no response. Jeremy first opens Elena's door, but only to see nobody and then opens my door only to be left with the same result.

(To Caroline)

So, Sarah attacks Tyler, and he pushed her away, and she tripped, and she fell, and she hit her head." Caroline explains as she is getting ready for the day.

"Does Matt remember anything?" Damon asks.

"Mmm, he thinks he blacked out." Caroline answers.

"Mmm." Damon sounds.

"But, I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident." Caroline states.

"Yeah, I don't understand that. The guy's a tool." Damon declares and Caroline scoffs.

"Careful Damon you're jealousy is showing. You do realize (Y/N) hates Tyler, right?" Caroline questions and Damon rolls his eyes. "So have you two talked since, y'know you leaving her out of the plan?" Caroline asks.

"Nope." Damon answers as he popped the "P".

"I haven't heard from her today if that's what your secretly wondering... Anyways Tyler getting blamed for Sarah's death just opens up questions that he can't answer. And do you really think it's a good idea for him to tell his Mom he's a Werewolf?" Caroline questions.

"Well, no." Damon responds.

"And that Werewolf road leads straight to Vampire Boulevard. I thought I was thinking fast on my feet." Caroline states.

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