Chapter 4

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*/The outfits are a suggestion. You can wear whatever you want. So please stop commenting about them it gets annoying. */

(To Stefan and Damon)

Stefan suddenly woke up from a dream he was having of Elena being murdered. Bad dream? Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon? Damon asks. Stefan then rushes over to his desk and grabs something and chucks it at Damon which hits him in between his chest and stomach. Damon grabs a hold of it and takes it out.

Alright, I deserve that. But I just wanted to let you know they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing Coach Tanner and all those people. Damon says trying to sound consoling.

What are you talking about? Stefan asks.

It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. Its all over the news. Deadly best captured. Alls well in Mystic Falls.. Damon answers while talking with his hands.

Why would you cover your tracks? Stefan asks and Damon smiles as he walks to the window.

Ive decided to stay a while. And Im just having way too much here with you and Elena. But also that little firecracker shes becoming very interesting.

Can't Touch her now... Whos firecracker? Stefan asks with a smirk.

Well, the vervain keeps me out of Elenas head. Maybe thats not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls dont need my persuasion. Some girls just cant resist my good looks, and my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift. Some girls like (Y/N), or Ms. Firecracker as I like to call her. Damon says as he then sticks the thing Stefan stuck in him on his side and Stefan begins to sink to the floor. Damon then looks at his shirt where he was stabbed. This is John Vervatos, dude. Dick move. Damon says as he walks away as Stefan grunts.

Stay away from them. Stefan says as he takes a hold of the thing and then pulls it out as Damon walks out as if ignoring him.

(To me)

I was in the kitchen sipping some coffee and I looked at the tv to see Sheriff Forbes talking to the reporter Logan Fell. I can confirm that a 12-foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition. Sheriff Forbes continues to talk but I ignore her. So it was never a vampire, but then what were those visions then. Am I just going insane then, or was it the mountain lion I kept seeing and not a man?" I think to myself as I look back up to the tv.

To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught Logan Fell says.

Scum ball. Scum bucket. Aunt Jenna cuts in and I chuckle turning back to her.

Who are you talking to? Both me and Elena ask her in unison.

Him." Aunt Jenna says and I laugh.

The news guy? Elena asks.

Also known as Logan Scum Fell. Did yalls Mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic falls? Aunt Jenna asks and I quit laughing and shake my head.

Oh, no way. Elena says.

You and him? I ask with surprise on my face.

Hes cute. Elena says sitting down.

He is not cute. Theres nothing cute about him. Aunt Jenna says as she turns off the tv and smiles.

I would have to agree with Aunt Jenna that guy looks like a complete ass whole. I say and Aunt Jenna smiles sitting down by Elena and I.

What are you doing with that? Aunt Jenna looking at what Elena was polishing in her hand.

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