Chapter 53

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Rick and I were walking through the tunnels as I begin to think outload.

"I can't believe the Lockwoods really had no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property..." I trail off, while holding the flashlight.

"Yeah. Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light." Rick states causing me to chuckle.

"As if I'd be scared of some bats." I declare.

"(Y/N)." A voice whispers in my ear causing me to quickly turn around. "Boo!" Damon bellows and I shake my head with an annoyed expression.

"God, Damon. You better be glad I didn't burn you alive!" I insists, but Damon smirks.

"You would never burn you're beloved boyfriend." Damon declare causing me to roll my eyes.

"Your sulking cause you can't get in." I jibe as he puts on an annoyed expression.

"I guess even the Ancient Lockwoods were Anti-Vampire." Damon insists as we begin to follow after Rick.

"Something tells me it wasn't the Lockwoods, but that's just a hunch." I states as we continued walking.

"This is as far as I go." Damon declares as Rick and I walk in and look up at the carved wall.

"Have you come up with anything, Rick?" I ask glancing over at him.

"Well, I think it's a story. In simple Archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story." Rick answers as I begin to look around at the markings when I reached a symbol with three moons. "That's a moon cycle." Rick declares as he then points his flashlight up. "A man. A Wolf." Rick points out.

"So a Werewolf." I say.

"Yeah. It's the Lockwood Diaries, Pictionary style." Damon states, but I shake my head.

"I don't think that's it. I mean, the Lockwoods came here with the Original Founders in the 1860s." I inform and Rick nods.

"The Lockwoods did, but according to this wall, these Werewolves have been here a lot longer than that." Rick insists.

"How long?" I question.

"Long. Get's better show her, Rick." Damon responds causing Rick to walk over to the wall.

"Names, and they're not Native. They're written in runic, a Viking script." Rick informs and my eyes widen.

"Vikings?" I ask.

"This name here, when translated, it reads... Niklaus." Rick states and my jaw drops.

"No wonder I thought these markings looked familiar..." I trails off as I walk over to him and Rick points his flashlight at another name.

"And Elijah... And Rebekah." Rick points out.

"These are the names of Esther's family, the Original Family." I declare as I run my hand along one of the names.

"Carved into a cave that's- that's been here since way before the Founding of Mystic Falls or even the entire new world, for that matter." Rick explains.

"But is this story just about Klaus or is it about the entire family?" I question.

"We thought it could be one of Klaus's fakes, but seeing how you're reacting to it..." Damon trails off causing me to turn to him.

"You both thought it was fake?" I ask, but Rick clears his throat.

"Yes, but the last name up here made us think otherwise." Rick answers moving his flashlight up to another name.

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