Chapter 78

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(To Matt)

Rushing through the woods he suddenly stops behind a tree, but then peers behind it. However once Matt turns around he's met with sharp fangs tearing into his throat causing him to sound out in pain.

"That's enough, buddy." I point out as I hold my hand out causing the Vampire to lift up into the sky as a stake flies towards the Vampire piercing it's heart causing me to look over and see Jeremy.

"Nice aim, Jer." I compliment as I put my hand down causing the now vainy body to fall to the ground.

(20 minutes before)

"No way. I'm not doing this." Jeremy insists.

"What makes you think you have a choice?" Klaus asks turning to Jeremy along with Damon.

"You have to kill Vampires to complete the Hunter's Mark. Mark equals Cure. You're in a bar full of almost Vampires, so get your hunt on." Damon answers with a smile.

"Screw you!" Jeremy curses, but then turns to me.

"You said I wouldn't have to kill any innocent people." Jeremy states causing me to sigh.

"I'm sorry..." I trail off as I look away from him.

"Jeremy, they're not people." Damon reiterates.

"Enough! Have at it, or else." Klaus threatens with an annoyed expression.

"I don't take orders from you, dick." Jeremy remarks as he throws the stake at Klaus's feet.

"Jer." I warn, but he glares at Klaus.

"Hunters can't be compelled." Jeremy adds causing Klaus to smile as he begins closing the distance between them, but I step in before they get too close to each other.

"Don't touch my brother." I declare causing Klaus to glance down at me, but then back to Jeremy.

"You're right. I can't compel you, but if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you because I can compel them. I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every Vampire in here after you. You kill them, or they kill your friend... Matt." Klaus explains causing me to glare up at Klaus. "Always has to be the Villain, doesn't he?" I wonder as Matt steps back.

"Wait a second." Matt insists causing Damon to step up.

"No, no. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus." Damon made known causing Klaus to look over at him with a smirk.

"I'm taking Artistic License." Klaus remarks as I stare at him.

"You know he can't take them all on at the same time." Damon counters as he motions to the Transitioning Vampires around us.

"With you and the Little Witch as his coaches, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about." Klaus re-counters causing me to scoff.

"You're not worried about anyone but yourself..." I trail off causing Damon to sigh.

"Jeremy, go get the Weapons out of the car. We'll be right behind you." Damon instructs as I look over at Jeremy, who's stares at me causing my head to nod.

"Go with him." Damon adds as he looks over at Matt, who looks over at me.

"Both of you, go." I insist causing both Jeremy and Matt to walk away.

"If I hear an engine start, I'll kill Matt myself!" Klaus bellows, but I slightly shake my head.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." I point out.

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