Chapter 76

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Laying on Damon's bed, I stared absently at his calm expression as his eyes were closed. "If what Damon told me is true. It means, I have to let Elena go and not only that... I will have to leave behind my life here." I think, but then Damon's voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"This would be so much more fun if we were naked." Damon whispers, while his eyes remained shut.

"That was your call, not mine." I chuckle slightly, which makes Damon open his eyes.

"I was being a gentleman cause you're obviously upset." Damon states causing me to turn and look up at the ceiling.

"I appreciate it..." I trail off.

"I know." Damon insists as he turns and looks up at the ceiling as well.

"I guess I'd better get changed and start packing." I declare as I get out of the bed, which makes Damon sit up.

"Packing?" Damon asks and I nod.

"Elena's Sired to me, Damon. It's wrong to be able to control someone, especially if it's my sibling." I answer as I begin changing.

"So you're just gonna leave?" Damon questions as I let out a sigh.

"If I stay I'll be no better than Klaus..." I trail off as Damon then gets out of the bed.

"You're nothing like Klaus, (Y/N)." Damon counters causing me to slightly shake my head.

"I will be if I don't invoke the Sire Bond and then leave." I re-counter as I finish changing and begin gathering my stuff.

"(Y/N), there has to be another way. I mean, you shouldn't have to leave because of this." Damon points out causing me to stop and turn to him.

"Then what should we do?" I ask causing Damon to grab ahold of my hands.

"I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave." Damon answers as he closes the distance between us a little and looks down at my lips.

"Damon..." I trail off as I stare down at his lips, but then ringing sounds out.

"Saved by the cell phone." Damon whispers causing me to walk over and grab my phone.

"It's Bonnie. She's teaching Jeremy how to not kill Elena or me... However, I'm planning to revoke the Sire Bond as well." I made known as I look back over at Damon, who has a melancholy expression and I let out a sigh.

"Want to come?" I question.

(To Klaus)

He was painting when someone walks into the room.

"Looks like a giant snowflake." Stefan remarks.

"I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism. It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity event." Klaus informs as another person walks into the room.

"You said it was urgent?" Adrian asks as he walks over to Klaus.

"Yes. Take this to the Mystic Grill immediately." Klaus answers as he looks over at the painting.

"You want me to be a delivery guy?" Adrian questions causing Klaus to shorten the distance between them.

"What I want is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude." Klaus responds causing Adrian to scoff and walk over to the painting.

"And be careful with that. It's still wet." Klaus adds as Adrian walks away with the painting.

"Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know." Stefan points out.

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