Chapter 46

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A couple mothes have passed and it was already almost Elena and I's birthday, but as of right now I'm still traveling with Klaus. Both Stefan and I were in front of the door at the house Klaus just walked into causing me to let out a sigh. "Here we go again... What is it were actually doing I still can't figure out his motive?" I wonder, but then the door opens causing Stefan to get in front of it.

"I love it when they run." Klaus states as he walks over with the blonde girl.

"He's in Tulley. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off Highway 41." The Burnette explains as tears begin to form in here eyes.

"Thank you, my love. Now... May my friends come in your home?" Klaus asks turning to the blonde. "These poor woman... I wish I could help." I think.

"Yes." The blonde answers as she shakes her head causing Stefan to open the screen door causing the Burnette to turn to us. "No matter how many times we do this I just can't get use to it." I think as we both enter the house.

"Kill this one quickly. Make that one suffer. (Y/N), we're going to the car, unless you want to watch again?" Klaus questions as he turns to me, but I shake my head. Smiling, Klaus heads out the door and I follow behind him. I hear the woman scream out, but I don't turn around and stare at Klaus, but he then turns to me. "Have you gotten use to all this yet, (Y/N)?" Klaus asks causing me to shake my head.

"I don't think I could ever get used to it." I answer

"You still haven't blocked out Esther's influence then." Klaus states as he move's some hair out of the front of my ear.

"Easier said than done." I declare turning away from him looking back at the house. "I hope Elena has a good Birthday... I wish I could be there." I think.

(To Jeremy)

"Ugh, early. Bad." Jeremy states as Elena walks over to his bed after opening up the blinds.

"It's not early. You're late for work. Matt just called." Elena sighs.

"Well, maybe they'll fire me. So I can go look for (Y/N) without a distraction." Jeremy declares, but Elena turns back to him.

"I told you no, we'll figure something out. You need to continue to live your life, Jeremy and that means going to work." Elena insists.

"Whatever, just find our sister already." Jeremy states as Elena walks out of the room.

(To Caroline)

She's walking with bags on her arm when her phone rings.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks as Caroline answers the phone.

"Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on." Caroline answers.

"I never said yes in the first place." Elena insists.

"You were never going to... (Y/N)'s God know where, which is why I planned it. Regarding (Y/N) and Stefan my Mom wants you to call her." Caroline declares.

"Did she find something?" Elena questions.

"An animal attack in Memphis. It's the third one this week in Tennessee. There was also a case of arson, as well." Caroline responds.

"And you're sure it's a vampire?" Elena asks.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus." Caroline answers.

"Doesn't mean it's not. I'll call her." Elena states.

"Well, call her on her cell." Caroline insists.

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