Chapter 57

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I was walking in the Cemmetary and I glanced over to see the many familiar names on the tombstones.

"Grayson Gilbert." and "Miranda Sommers Gilbert." I read as I walked passed them only to seem more. "Jenna Sommers." and "Isobel Flemming." A certain sadness begin to well up inside me, but I continued to walk till I finally stopped to see "Johnathan Gilbert." plastered on the tombstone, but without another thought I turned to see the Coffin next to me causing me to turn to it and I go to touch it.

"I figured out how to open it. Can you?" A voice I knew all too well ringed out causing me to turn to see Klaus in front of me. Suddenly a pain envelopes my chest making me look down to see Klaus's hand was deep in my chest as his laugh begin to echo out. Quickly taking his hand out of my chest, Klaus had my still beating heart in his hand causing me to look up at him.

"You-" I was cut off as I quickly sat up from my bed causing me to get up and rush over to my mirror to see I was perfectly fine.

"Nice undies." The perverted voice rang out causing me to quickly turn to see Damon sitting in my window.

"Damon! What the hell?!" I exclaim causing me to quickly throw a stuff animal I had on my desk by the mirror.

"I texted and called you saying I was coming to get you." Damon states as he catches the stuffed animal that almost hit him in the face.

"That doesn't explain why you're coming through the window!" I bellow as I quickly got some pants on.

"What? it's not like I haven't seen your gorgeous body before." Damon smirked mischievously as he walks over and sets the stuffed animal back on the desk..

"I-it's still embarrassing..." I trail off as I begin grabbing a shirt and other things out of my closet and begin walking over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Damon asks and I scoff.

"To the bathroom to get dressed." I answer cause him to sigh.

"Fine, I'll go wait in the car... Just don't make me wait too long." Damon teased as I begin to lift my shoe up.

"Get out!" I shout causing him to walk out the door and I let out a groan. "It's too early for this and it doesn't help with those weird dreams I keep having." I think as I begin getting dressed in the outfit above.

(Time Skip)

I make my way down the stairs of the Witch building to see Bonnie, who was talking to Elena as they stared at the Coffins.

"I've been having these dreams for days now." Bonnie states and I walk over to her.

"Same, it's as if the Witches are trying to send us a message." I declare as I glance around the room.

"I just can't believe you guys have kept this from me this whole time." Elena insists.

"We thought it was for the best." I point out causing Elena to look over at me.

"Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you." Bonnie informed causing Elena to let out a sigh.

"So these are the rest of his family?" Elena asks as I begin to walk over to the Coffin that won't open.

"Yeah. Elijah and two others." Bonnie answers as she begins to walk over to me.

"This one is the one we can't open." I add as I stare down at it. "What Esther said is still weighing heavily on my mind. What did she mean by use my own abilities?" I wonder as Bonnie turned over to face Elena.

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