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OC belongs to @ILeviathanI

Name: Creeper


Age: 7 [18 in human years]


Gender: Nonbinary


Sexuality: Questioning


Tribe: Leafwing


Appearance: Their a leafy-green color, with some yellow scales. They have a squiggly line going from the bottom left of their wing to the bottom right. Creeper has brown eyes and brown horns, with the same green color on them. They wear a blue ribbon on their neck, which curls around their left horn. Creeper also has a brown ring on their left back foot.

Good, but add a few more details, such as height, body shape, etc.

Personality: Creeper suffers from Bipolar disorder, PTSD, and depression. They change moods frequently, going from smiling to tears running down their face. They have Hemophobia, the fear of blood, and Kakorrhaphiophobia, the fear of failure.

Oh man. Uh, yeah, add way more good traits to balance everything out, and a few more negative ones that aren't just their fears / mental disorders.

Relatives: Sycamore [Father, dead] Ivy [Mother, status unknown]

Nice names.

Backstory: Creeper was only 3 years old when their father went away for one night, leaving them and their mother alone at their hut. He came back, a week later, covered in blood. He revealed that he had killed a Silkwing family of 3. He had gone crazy. Creeper was terrified of their father, but decided to leave him alone. The next night, they overheard their father and mother talking. Sycamore was scared of getting caught. They started to fight, then Sycamore ran out the door. Creeper ran after him, but lost him in the darkness. They went back home, and fell asleep with their mother. When they woke, Creeper was determined to find their father, but only found his body, hanging from a tree. Creeper cried, but they knew it was too late. Their mother flew away, sobbing as she did. Creeper knew their mother was sad, but they didn't expect her to leave. Creeper went back home, and they've lived in that hut ever-since.

This is good as a start up to a fic or RP, but it still needs a few more details. When exactly does this take place, after the LeafWings have been wiped out or back before the Tree Wars? What happened after Creeper got home, did they live on their own for the rest of their life? Why did their father go insane? Etc, etc.

Abilities: They have high leaf-speak, and can absorb sunlight.

Where does the 'absorb sunlight' part come from? What does that do?

Overall, I give Creeper a 6/10. Work majorly on their backstory and personality, and a little bit on their appearance.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now