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OC belongs to @Kit_girl_5

Name: FrostNight

Alright, but just to say the second part of NightWing names are never capalized.

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Straight, gay dragon OC's come later >:D

?? Okay ??

Age: 7 years (in dragon)


Tribe: Nightwings


Abilities: Breathes normal fire like normal Nightwing, doesn't really have 'mind reading' abilities, but she can feel the feelings and pain of other dragons.

So she kinda has off-brand mind reading powers? I guess emotion sensing could be seen as mind reading since your talking about seeing stuff in a dragons mind.

Description: FrostNight is albino. So she is a completely white Nightwing with eyes red as blood, and the stars under her wings are barely visible (a really light shade of silver). And also there is a small silver scale by her eyes.
Also, she wears a necklace that bears a ruby (to match her eyes), with three small gold rings around her forearm, and a pair of gold earing loops (on her ears of course).

I like the albino part, but you need to add her body shape, height, etc.
(Also this made me think: 'I really want a albino dragon in the series.')

Personality: At first, when meeting a new dragon she may seem shy. But after knowing that dragon, Frost will be super friendly and act a bit childish. Frost also does her best to not judge a dragon by their scales and tries to know more about their story. And she has a passion for music.
However, Frost usually says things without thinking (its a habit,) and can be easily distracted. Also she can also be over trusting (admits it herself). She is not a fighter and often jumps into things without thinking.

I would say add a few more flaws and positive traits, but this actually pretty good.

Residence: She travels (GYPSY), but she used to in the rain forest. :D

Ooo, I've never really seen a gypsy OC before!

Family: Unnamed nightwing mother, father, brother (two of them), and sister.
Unnamed adoptive mudwing brothers.


Backstory: FrostNight was born under one moon with three of her siblings, she didn't get visions or 'normal' mind reading. Instead, she has can feel the feelings (and pain) of other dragons (which is what taught her not to judge dragons right away). Most believe that this was because she was Albino.

She has been shunned by many Nightwings, including her father and two of her siblings. And often she would get bullied (mostly by her siblings).

One day, when she saw some 'gypsy' dragons that came to visit the Nightwing and Rainwings, trading some goods, entertaining them, and gathering rain forest objects (for other tribes they will visit), and made friends with them, especially with two Mudwings (who became her adopted brothers).

They invited her to travel them, because they thought her scales were charming and that she could become a dancer for them. Ever since then, FrostNight had traveled with them all over Pyrrhia, learning to dance, and meeting 'interesting' dragons.

This is a pretty simple backstory. I like the dancer/gypsy part, but why didn't her family bully her? Because she was Albino? Also, where was her mother and other siblings in all of this? (She had three, but you mentioned only two bullied her?)
Also, what's with her powers? No offense, they don't really affect the story at all (besides teaching her not to judge a book by its cover, but that can be that in many different ways).

Crush: Uh, its another OC i'm working on (skywing)


Hobbies: She loves dancing, jingling bells, collecting things that catches her eye (seashells, weird looking rocks, etc), exploring, making friends.


Friends: Lots, but her best friends are the two mudwings I mentioned earlier, a Seawing (OC) named Baiji, and a Rainwing (OC) named Orange.

I really like the name Orange for some reason.

Oh! She carries a scroll that has myths and tales (Fav scroll) and has a habit of trying to get a pet (but usually it gets eaten, poor thing)


Overall, I give Frostnight a 6.5/10. She needs some work on her appearance, a few questions need answering on her backstory. You should also probably names to her family.

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