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OC belongs to @CalicaAmethyst

Name-Twilight, but often known as The Deathbringess

A bit overused, but it's okay.

Gender- born female, and identifies as such.


Age- Is 5, but really skilled (couldn't make it creepy) but at the end like 30 or so xp

??? Okay ???

Sexuality- Heterosexual


Tribe- RainWing NightWing


Appearance- She likes to keep her scales amythest colored, but she can camouflage them. Her horns are straight, and she has a RainWing ruff. If you look closely, you can see a teardrop scale by her eye, but it is small. Her tail is not prehensile but her build is slim, like a RainWing. She has fangs that stick out a bit. She has no scars, but only because of a special healing rock. Her back legs and tail don't work very well, and they have a jerky appearance when she moves them.

Add things like her eye colour, horn/claw colour, and since she's a hybrid, go into a bit more detail about body shape (does she look more like a RainWing or NightWing? You mentioned RainWing features, but does she have any NightWing one?)

Personality- She likes to flirt and make jokes, has a talent for singing, and laughs easily. However, she is a do-it-now-think-about-it-later kind of dragon, and won't hesitate to do something stupid.

Add WAY more details, especially flaws.

Mother, Starburst. Her scales are kept a cool blue with streaks of deep violet, and her eyes are bright blue.
Father- Sharpscale, Deep emerald green with some dark grey and silveryish eyes.
Adoptive Father- Deathbringer, dark black with grey eyes.
And more, but I'm saving them for last ;)


Abilities- Double moonborn, but because she is a hybrid, her mind reading power is limited to sensing the presence and emotions of other dragons. She cannot have visions- instead, her foresight is instinctual, so she can just feel what is going to happen in a couple minutes. It doesn't extend into the future. She can breathe large clouds of smoke that blinds her enemies. She has RainWing venom, but it cannot be shot. Instead, it is injected through biting, physical contact of teeth sinking into scales. She can fully camouflage her scales, and she is good at fighting due to training.

Was she born the same night Moonwatcher was? Also, what's with the cloud thing?

Backstory- Shortly after Sharpscale and Starburst had the egg, they realized they didn't want to keep it. So they sold her, and Twilight got adopted by Deathbringer. He was pretty delighted when he found out she had powers, and as soon as she could fly started training her as an assassin. When her knighted her (literally, with a sword), she went out to start. She became popular, what with her deadly power and skill, and soon, nearly the whole continent feared her. She didn't want to share her real name, so she dubbed herself 'The Deathbringess'. Then, Darkstalker rose. A random SandWing hired her to k!ll Darkstalker. Twilight charged him A LOT, and went to k!ll him. It didn't go too well. He has Turtle, Anemone, and Stonemover, and then Turtle threw a stick to Anemone and Darkstalker blew fire on his face. Then, Twilight made her move, trying to blind Darkstalker and bite him. She succeeded in the blinding, but not the biting. He scratched her, leaving a deep wound on her back. She tried to camouflage and roll, but she left a trail of blood. The odds were not in her favor!


Yeah fine. You sound like Han Solo. Anyways, Darkstalker grabbed her and tossed her across the room. Her spine snapped. Dankstalker(get it lol) grabbed her and Turtle and tossed them in a teensy room with no way out. Turtle heals her scars but cannot heal her spine. Twilight and Turtle get close and fall in love due to being imprisoned there for all eternity.

Wait! Of course that's not the end. Of course Anemone rescues them.  And then Kinkajou pulls the strawberry thing and Twilight and Turtle get married and have dragonets! And of course Twilight becomes queen of the SeaWings, using some clever animus magic her husband posesses... Soooooo, here we go!

Mate- Turtle, green scales, low voice bla bla.
Daughter- Princess Hurricane, her non-luminescent scales can camouflage, she has gills but no webbing, she can breathe wispy smoke that has a weak RainWing venom effect, her glowing scales are black, and she hatched under no moons.
Other Daughter- Princess Midnight, her phosphorescent scales can change and glow, and she has no gills or webs. She has RainWing venom and hatched under two moons, and her normal scales are deep navy. She has star patterns on her wings.
Son- Prince Splasher. He has minty green scales that only change on his webs and ruff. He has gills and webs and a strong tail, and he has silver light-up markings. He is an animus.

Alright. What was her life growing up with Deathbringer? What was her life after, with Turtle? Why does she become queen of SeaWings instead of Auklet or Anemone? Please add some more details.

Her children's names are very nice tho.

Overall, I give Twilight a 5/10. Do major work on her backstory, appearance and personality.

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