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OC belongs to @Fantagonist

Name: Luminous (Lumi)

Cool name! Her nickname is cute as well.

Gender: Female


Age: Four (dragon years)


Tribe: She believes she is a full blooded Seawing, but is actually a Seawing-Rainwing hybrid. (See backstory)

Oh, okay

Rank: Princess


Residence: Seawing palace or Jade Mountain Academy.


Appearance: Lumi is unusually graceful for a Seawing, her main scales are sapphire blue, with a line of aqua teal-emerald green scales down the top of her head and back of her neck. Slender, and small, she has unique amber orange wings, with sky blue royal patterns, while her aquatic markings on her head/neck/body/tail are fire orange. Always wears an opal earring, along with homemade jewelry.

She's very pretty, and I like that you added her body shape and whatnot. I like the orange.

Personality: Cheerful, positive, optimistic and nice, Lumi tends to think on the bright side. She is very gullible, and not at all street smart, although she is very book smart. Timid around Anemone, otherwise she is more out going. She gets frustrated easily, and gives up easily.

Maybe add one of two more flaws, but other then that you're good!

Family: Adopted mother is Queen Anemone of the Seawings, biological mother is Tamarin of the Rainwings, Pike the Seawing is her biological father, older half sister is Amethyst, older half brother is Jetstream.

I like her half-siblings names. Also, Tamarin and Pike is a bit of an odd pairing.

Backstory: She was born in the rainforest, where her dad Pike and mom Tamarin were living, then Anemone came and forced Pike to marry her, this was at the beginning of Anemone's conquest, Pike begged for Anemone to let Lumi live, Anemone agreed, but took away her venom spitting and camouflage, and added in Seawing abilities, and royal scale patterns. Lumi doesn't know her past. Anemone doesn't really like her and want her on the throne, Lumi is intuitive, and detects this, so she decides to go to the Jade Mountain. No one knows about her venom teeth including Lumi herself, because the venom doesn't affect her and is tasteless, so she doesn't know she has it. Anemone enchanted the earring, and made it so Lumi would never ever take it off, and that it will never fall off.

This a bit bland. What was her relationship with her half-siblings, why did Anemone when Pike to marry her, does Lumi ever learn about her past?

Abilities: Normal Seawing abilities, she has venom teeth.


Overall, I give Lumi a 7/10. Work a lot on her backstory.

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