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OC belongs to ZephyrTheDragon

Name: Frostwing (I might change it, feel free to suggest some)

I don't mind it, but since you asked for suggestions; Blackice/Blackout, Borealis, Shard- or Shatter- (with any suffixes or just on their own)

Age: 8


Gender: Female


Sexuality: Straight


Tribe: Icewing/Nightwing hybrid


Appearance:  She has a slightly shorter and slim body of an Icewing with narrow wings and a whip thin tail. She has mostly silver white scales with a dorsal stripe of a soft dark-iris from her snout down her back and to her spiky tail. Her talons and tail end are the same dark iris and lighten up towards her body. On top her wings are white but the underside are a dark purple at the tips and lighten up closer to her body and they also have a few scattered silver star scales, greyish cobalt blue eyes.

She sounds very pretty. I don't have anything to comment on this one.

Personality:  She is shy and anxious a lot of the time for fear of rejection. She is very emotional and hides it from others for they might see her as weak but can lash out if she feels threatened. She is pessimistic and often only sees the bad around her. but she is empathetic and insightful and has a love for philosophy and stargazing.

It's okay. Add a few more traits, good and bad.

Occupation: Celestial cartographer (she maps out the stars)

O nice

Residence: She lived in the Southern tundra of the Ice Kingdom but she will eventually settle in the Nightwing village.

Cool cool

Relatives: Harpseal (Mother, Icewing) Soulhunter (Father, Nightwing)
Ashflight (when she's older, Mate, Nightwing) and in the future, three dragonets
Crush: Ashflight

I like those names.

Backstory: (Takes place after the main books. And it's not quite finished)
Her mother was a low ranking Icewing living in the more rural parts of the Ice Kingdom, She was rebellious, outgoing, and attended more parties than a college frat boy. Some of which were held in Possibility where she met Soulhunter, a visiting Nightwing blacksmith, and maybe it was the drinks but the two were attracted to each other like magnets.
For a while things worked out, they lived in Possibility and already had an egg on the way, but Harpseal's rather fiery personality was a flame he couldn't handle so they argued, he then left them and she moved back home heartbroken. Harpseal wasn't around a whole lot as she wasn't that great with dragonets and so Frostwing was alone most of the time, which is where she found her love for the stars as they kept her company.
Then her mother finally convinced their nearby village to let her attend their school, but as with most tribes they didn't treat hybrids all that well and she was bullied by most of them, and for a while she just let them because she understood why, but it eventually got to her and one day she was cornered by them calling her weak and pathetic she lashed out and clawed one of them good with her sharp claws. She ran off feeling terrible about what she'd done, she felt so hopelessly caught up in all of the emotion that she impulsively ran away from her problems.
Her mother didn't really notice she was gone for like three days. She had fled to Possibility and sulked around for a bit, but when she accidently tripped another visiting Icewing of a higher rank. He was furious and it would have gotten ugly for her but a Nightwing a little older than her stepped in and disarmed the situation with his wit and charm.
His name was Ashflight and he was there with his JMA winglet visiting an ongoing festival, He realized that she was going through something so he offered her to come with them, she hesitated but accepted his offer. While she was with him and his friends she saw what real friends are like and how each of them cared for each other, so when they were heading back she went along with them desperately hoping they wouldn't abandon her.  When they returned they introduced her to their teachers and convinced them to let her stay as she did not want to return home and despite the fact that their winglet already had an Icewing. Here she was happy with her new friends and learned about all kinds of things, her favorite being philosophy and astronomy, as she would grow up to be an astronomer herself. (That's all I got so far)

'attended more parties than a college frat boy.' op i am loosing my mind

It sounds pretty good so far, I don't have any concerns. Good job!

Abilities: She has frostbreath but its weaker and even a little heat to her will render it useless. Her scales don't give off a chill except for her wing tips. Serrated claws, and can withstand sub-zero temperatures however she doesn't like it when it gets that cold.

It's nice that she's overpowered, but why just her wing tips?

Overall, I give Frostwing a 8/10. Work on her personally a bit more.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now