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OC belongs to @Degal_Heartfang

Theme Song: This is War (30 Seconds to Mars)

(song up above)

Name: Hare


Gender: Female


Age: 16 (at death)


Tribe: SandWing


Sexuality: Asexual Heteromantic


Rank: Bodyguard (formerly)


Occupation: None, is dead

Ohh F

Residence: Gila Town, a town near the tundra of the IceWing Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sand.

Okay cool.

Looks: Hare is an albino, her scales were a very bright white that she tries to keep shiny. She is tall and very well muscled, but definitely not over muscular. She has a very soft yet unwavering voice, sometimes it even scared Aureus. She has shiny, deep, blood red eyes. She has a scar on her left forearm from fighting. She once wore a gold band, but later gave it to Aureus, even though it was her only piece of jewelry. She has wide shoulders, that narrow down the farther along her body you go, and she occasionally paints her claws different colors so she not so "bland" looking. Had a burn of a Camel Spider on her left wing, showing she was part of a gang.

Descriptive and simple.

Personality: Hare cares deeply for Aureus, and was really the only person she could open up to over time, next to Malamute. She is very quiet around others, and acts monotone very frequently. She is very justified in her action, and passionate about fighting, most likely to make her deceased father happy. She can be seen a stubborn to most people, especially Aureus. She can be very cautious to those around Aureus, especially if they give an off feeling, and trusts her gut more then comforting words. She isn't easily scared, but if it is a camel spider, she let's Aureus handle it. She is slightly self-conscious about only being one main color, other heavily mistaking her for  hybird due to her white scales.

Likes: Practice battles, keeping Aureus and Roadrunner safe, reading, the quiet, meeting others with defects

Dislikes: A lot of attention, Eve and Spider, camel spiders (not the dragon either), unjustly actions, people who judge others by their looks

Strengths: Fighting, listening to others, does a good job at being a bodyguard, excellent cook surprisingly, cleaning

Weaknesses: To cautious of others at times, is slightly allergic to almost every type of furs, mostly different feline animals. Her fear of insects makes her feel like she isn't very dragonlike. Self-conscious about her scales, making her uncomfortable around some dragons.

This is good! You get a good idea what she's about.


Mother: Bandicoot - a tall and sleek built SandWing with ambery yellow scales with black along her neck and the underside of her wings. Had very dark brown eyes. Loved her deeply for her kindness. Unknown status.
Father: Centipede - a more muscular SandWing with dusty yellow and brown scales with an off white underbelly. Has very dark hazel eyes. Former Assassin. Taught her how to fight. Dead.
Adopted Sister: Caracal - a light tan colored SandWing with a small build and long legs. Has black around her ears, neck, and ridge long her wings. Has deep amber eyes. Status Unknown.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now