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OC belongs to wavestar123


Kinda a overused Skywing name,but whatever




Another male,is good because most people don't use male


Our first Pan! I also have a pan WoF OC


Oh,another hybrid

Queen he supports:Formally Scarlet, currently Glory

Makes sense,like Scarlets evil dude

Looks:SandWing sized wings, but a SkyWing sort of shaped body, he has a light yellow underbelly, and vermillion red body, he has yellow eyes, and a normal SkyWing tail

I like how he's not overpowered,like,he could have a Sandwing tail and Skywing wings,but he doesn't witch is good

Attires:Three rubies over each eye, and he wears a necklace with an opal on it that Starreader made (with Papaya's help)

I like a detail about the Opal,it gives a better mind picture thing

Personality:He's fiercely protective of those he loves, but often loses his patience around young dragons who are clingy or chatty, he tried his best to stay calm around Wave, Papaya, and Starreader though, because despite his attitude on some occasions (where he flys off yelling curses at the world), he does love them all

K I like this dude his personality is kinda like me,but her personality is descriptive but not overwhelming

Backstory:His father, Vermillion, agreed to breed with a SandWing to try get tough offspring from it, when Eagle hatched, he had a twin, who was perfect, with SkyWing wings, a SandWing barb, and all the other good traits, but Eagle was a disappointment, with small wings, and a pointless tail, but his mother, Cactus, refused to let them take him, as he grew up, he was always in his twin sister, Cerise's shadow, but one day the two of them were playing around on the edge of the mountain, daring each other to step closer to the edge, when Cerise slipped, her left wing ripped on a rock, leaving her unable to flap and break her fall slightly, she hit the ground to hard and died from the impact, Eagle was heartbroken, and Scarlet blamed him for her death, he was going to be killed, but Cactus stepped up and told them to kill her instead, so they did. After that Eagle was warned he was walking on thin ice, one step out of line and he was dead, he did everything he was told, until the other hybrids rebelled, he was 14 at the time, and he decided to escape with them, fighting as well as he could to help them. He managed to survive and escape to the forest near where the Prophecy Dragonets were raised. He met Wave there and grew closer to her, the pair became mates, and adopted a NightWing dragonet named Starreader, who they found abandoned by the rain forest.

I like his backstory,but I thought twins looked the same? I'm pretty sure there's different toyed if twins thought,but overall his backstory is pretty neat

Occupation:He guards the hybrids 'camp' that's really a bunch of dens the hybrids with the strongest claws dug for them

Yep,Not much to say about this

Residence:The hybrids 'camp'

Makes sense

Parents & Siblings:Cactus (mother, SandWing, dead), Cerise (twin sister, Sky/SandWing, dead), Vermillion (Father, SkyWing, alive)

Cactus is a overused Sandwing name,but ok then. Luke his sister's name


Yep,makes sense again


Again,makes sense

Adoptive daughter:Starreader

Makes sense

Friends:He had a sort of mutual respect for Sulphur (Mud/NightWing), and he treats Papaya (Sea/Sand/RainWing) like sister

Like Sulphurs name,he's cool

Abilities:Reasonably strong, but that's about it

Could he breath fire? That's what I'm wondering

Powers:Nope, unless you count scaring dragons away with his ultimate death stare

Alright then?

Hobbies:Trying to make necklaces with Papaya (normally doesn't work because he doesn't have the patience), and training younger hybrids to fight (also is difficult due to his lack of patience)

Lack of patience is every bodies enemy

Other:He made a shrine for Cerise in Wave's little room of shrines

I got the impression that he didn't really like his sister,but it's sweet neverless

Quote: None

Overall,I give Eagle a 8/10. His personality and backstory is good,but his name is overused. I like him thought

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