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OC belongs to @CornRedchair

Name: Adpotus

Unique, but I don't really know how to pronounce lol.

Age: 10 1/5

A adult! Nice

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Straight


Tribe: Sandwing

The desert folks

Looks: Scars from the multiple bar fights he' s been in, both of his horns are broken, one eye is blind and has a strange blue color while the other looks normal  from a defect at birth, wears his trusty Grey Irish cap and Brown Trenchcoat, his crest is a pale white, and his scales are a dull gold colors (a side effect from his alcoholism).

You're very good with the colours, but maybe describe his height, weight, etc. However, noting that he has alcoholism people can kinda already picture his body shape.
I don't know how I feel about the clothing, but it's certainly unique.

Personality: Is nice and sweet, but is also a thief and pretty good liar, but can be dangerously random when drunk, he can be one happy one minute, angry another, then back to happy, then to bloodthirsty.

You probably know what I'm going to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Add more details.

Backstory: His Mother (Rattlesnake) and Father (Abusus) were both raging alcoholics, and usely came home in a drunken rage, so he was usually abused by hits, smacks, punches, cuts, broken bones, and scales were painfully removed, he was also burned, starved, dehydrated, and even knocked unconscious. And at school it was even harder because there he was mentally broken by threats, cusses, and other verbal abuses. So when he turned 3 he ran to the town named Possibilty, where he became the Town Drunkard, Thief, and unbeatable Drinking Game Champion. And now has stayed for the past 7 (or 21 HUMAN YEARS).

I kinda like it. You don't see many alcoholic OCs since WoF is a younger series. Also, like I say for most, this is good for a side character, not a main. If this is a main, then add a lot more details.

Occupation: Possibilty's Drinking Game Champion, Thief, and Drunkard.


Residence: Possibilty


Family: Mother (Rattlesnake), Father (Abusus), he had a twin at birth, but his Father killed the egg while in a drunken rage.


Friends: Smolder, had a small friendship with Burn, and only meet Sunny once but became friends even though they never met again.


Abilities: Fire- breath, Scorpion barb-tail, the ability to absorb any pain when drunk, and the ability to lie very easily.

For the pain thing, is it because he's so drunk he doesn't feel pain? I don't know how being drunk works.

Hobbies: Like to steal necklaces, bracelets, earing's, coin pouches, and even food.


Other: Got arrested for killing a Icewing by the name of Nix by stabbing him to death with a broken bottle.

Good for him

Overall, I give 7.5/10. If you want Adpotus to be a main character, expand on his appearance and a bit on his personality.

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