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OC belongs to sophiesaurus1

Name: Gazelle

I like it! Pretty good for a SandWing.

Age: 15

Nice, a teen.

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Gay


Tribe: Sandwing

I like SandWing's

Looks: Unusually tall and muscular sandy brown sandwing with lighter brown plated scales. Normal black and a white frill, her frill is very large and has cuts in it here and there, she cuts her frill to make it look cool and makes a different look every month due to it growing back (idk if dragon frills do grow back, I just assume that they do). Her crest is quite spikey at the moment, with some straight surfaces and some spiked up. Her claws are also white, due to her painting them either a dusty brown, black or white. She also had dark brown circles painted on the outskirts of her middle scales and on the tips of her horns that are a very light sandy yellow. Her wing membrane is also white, almost silver, her top scales are the same colour as her horns and her underbelly is a light grey-brown. Her horns are covered in strings of gold chains with Ruby's hanging off of them, and he has two golden chain necklaces as well as a gold earring. SHe also has small ribbon-like gold coloured strips of sparkly ribbon attached to the tips of herhorns.

I love this, it's descriptive. White it a cool colour for a SandWing. It's a bit odd, but it's cool and I can kinda see it working. I love the details.

Personality: Very sassy and rude, she judges dragons by their appearance and often forgets things easily, whenever she's proved wrong she hates to admit it and carries on until the other dragon gives up or just walks away because there's no way that the fight is going to end. However, when you get to know her she tends to be less jerky. Oddly, whenever she sees something smooth or cool looking she's tempted to touch it. Other dragons dislike her, saying that her 'disability' was no excuse for causing the death of another dragon. She looks back on this, and it's hard for her to blink back tears when she thinks of it(explained in backstory, don't worry she's not edgyMcedge.). She can be very extroverted when around her friends, and goes to possibility every once in a while to visit them.

A bit overused, but I like it.

Backstory: Gazelle had a nice dragonethood, she was unusually tall and muscular for a dragonet, and her family would always visit possibility and that's where she met her friends, Origin, Shore, Scallop and snail. Shore and Scallop were twins, and they loved and respected Gazelle and shared a similar personality. Snail was an introverted character, and Origin liked telling a gazelle about stories and the history of the nightwing, while always being brave and bold. Gazelle would whine and cry when her parents said that they were going back to the sand kingdom, and became a huge pain to be around for 5 months. Eventually, she calmed down as she grew an interest in being a healer. She always watched them heal dragons, and became friends with two of the healers, Cougar and Arid, who were actually mates. She started learning their ways, but was soon sent off to Jade mountain academy at the age of 6, because all of the other years they were full. She was in the Gold winglet, and avoided everyone for the entire year because she just wanted to go back to the healers and her parents. She would always walk up to people at all times of her life and saying that they had an extremely off colouring of scales, this worried her parents and soon realised that she had been colour blind. She was in a winglet with Origin, Shore, snail, Virglas, frill and skyburst. Jade mountain academy was cancelled after two weeks because it was soon found out Virglas was a cannibal, when he was found eating Skyburst alive. Gazelle was slightly traumatised by this, but tried to shake it off. It make her want to vomit rather than be depressed about it, she didn't really like skyburst anyway. When she got back, she went in proper training to become a healer. When she eventually became a healer, her second patient, jackal, had a sickness.
The sickness could only be cured by a certain berry, but due to being colour blind, she mixed up the curing berries with poison berries that were used for sicknesses that couldn't be cured. So she had killed Jackal and got very upset over it but eventually got over it after 3 years, she was also forced to quit her job and she eventually moved out, built her own house, and visited Possibility to meet her friends very two weeks.

Aw, that's sort of bittersweet. I really like it!

Occupation: Former healer, now a traditional musician


Residence: the sand kingdom, although she occasionally visits possibility.


Relatives: Rattlesnake ( Father, pale gold sandwing)

Clueless (Mother, dark grey nightwing, for some reason Gazelle picked up no nightwing traits or looks.)

I love these names

Friends: Origin, jet black nightwing

Shore, pale blue and turquoise seawing

Scallop, pale blue and turquoise seawing

Snail, mostly blue and pale lily green rainwing

Frill, Sand/rainwing hybrid, instead of having a webbed ruff its more life a sandwing frill behind his ear, rainwing scales ect (I'll make a form for him soon so don't worry too much about his appearance.)

I love these names too!

Crush: Origin


Abilities: Normal Sandwing abilities, although for some reason her Fire is weaker than most.


Hobbies: asking music, making fights that don't matter, playing with dragonets.


Other: None


Overall, I give Gazelle a 10/10! I literally could not find anything wrong with  this. Good job!

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