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OC belongs to Onewhisker

Name: Foam

Original name,it's not canon and fits into the tribe. It's good

Age: Maybe 25? (I have no idea how dragon ages work, sorry XD)

Ok,she's an adlut as well witch is good since most OCs are dragonets
Don't worry btw I don't really know how dragon ages work ether

Gender: female

Most OCs are female,but Im not taking off points for that

Sexuality: straight/heterosexual

Most OCs are straight,but again I'm not taking points off for that

Tribe: SeaWing

Seawings are commonly overused

Queen they support: none

Again,better not be 'loner'

Looks: Foam has sea-foam green scales (hence her name) with sky blue horns and claws. Her light-up scales are slightly yellow tinted. She's small, but not tiny. Like most SeaWings, she has wide shoulders and a fat, short tail. She's chubbier than most other dragons.

Her description is like Tornado,it's describe but not over whelming

Attires: She usually doesn't wear anything, but on special occasions (such as parties) she'll wear a necklace and bracelets with small blue jewels, which are probably fake..

Ya most dragon jewelry is probably fake

Personality: She's very motherly, and cares deeply about other dragons, especially dragonets. She can be very picky and bossy. She is willing to hurt other dragons if she thinks it will be for the greater good, and doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. To her son, Pebble, she's very fussy and over protective, and often neglects her other dragonets to focus on him.

She has a good mix of negative and postive traits,witch is good for an OC

Backstory: Foam grew up in the Kingdom of the Sea as a normal dragonet. When she was five years old, she learned of a war that was happening in Pyrrhia, and wanted to end it. Peace between the Tribes became a very important thing to her, and she wanted it above all else. When she grew up, she met Tide, an older SeaWing who also wanted peace as much as she did. They quickly became friends, and later, mates. They had an egg together, but for some reason, it never hatched. When she was around 15, Tide and Foam confronted the queen about the war, but they were ignored because they were commoners. They had two more eggs, which also failed to hatch. Then, the pair decided to run away and join the Talons of Peace, which was very loosely led. Tide quickly took charge, became the leader, and established a base for the Talons. Foam took up the job of caring for the dragonets, along with an IceWing named Reindeer. Foam and Tide's fourth egg finally hatched a tiny, sickly dragonet which they named Pebble. Foam also adopted two SkyWings (Tornado and Flicker, you already know about them) and helped raise several others. Years later, when Tornado started a rebellion and killed Tide, Foam took Pebble and fled to the Kingdom of the Sea. They were rejected there, and instead went somewhere in the Sky Kingdom, where they met another banished SeaWing named Angelfish. Foam and Pebble decided to live with Angelfish, and later, Pebble and Angelfish had two dragonets, Azure and Flipper.

I like the names in this story,and her backstory is unique but I don't get why the eggs didn't hatch for her,was she sick or something? Birth defect?

Occupation: formerly caregiver; now she doesn't really have one

Makes sense,and I've never seen a dragon with the title 'Caregiver' before

Residence: formerly Kingdom of The Sea, Talons of Peace; currently living in a lake located in the Sky Kingdom

Makes sense they're leaving by a lake,the only thing that I dont get is why in the sky kingdom? Is it because it was close by? In my opinion the Rainforest or Mud kingdom would make more sense,seeing that it's away from the sea kingdom(which all hate her)

Parents and siblings: unknown
Mate: Tide
Son: Pebble
Adopted son: Tornado
Adopted daughter: Flicker
Daughter-in-law: Angelfish
Granddaughter: Azure
Grandson: Flipper

Unique names,like her Grand daughters name

Friends: Glitter (Animus IceWing who built the Talons of Peace base) Angelfish,

I just have one thing,how is Glitter a anmuis? Since in Darkstakler the Icewing were 'stolen' or their animus bloodline,but anyway I'm not reviewing Glitter

Abilities: normal SeaWing stuff; breathe underwater, etc

Yep,perfectly normal

Powers: none

Still normal

Hobbies: She's usually very busy watching after eggs, teaching dragonets things like reading/writing/flying, and other stuff like that. In her spare time, she likes reading books, and eats and sleeps A LOT. (which is why she's slightly overweight.)

Many OCs don't like to teach,witch means its unique for her

Other: the dragonets that she's helped raise are Silver, Blizzard, Darksky, and Swan (as well as her own dragonets obvs)

Yep,I like the names,and it's good that she helped raised them

Quote: None

Overall,I give her around a 8/10 or 9/10. She's very unique,but the whole 'Loner' thing is overused. However I do like Foam

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora