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OC belongs to @LiterallyWoFTrash

Name: Sahara

I like the name, but doesn't make that much sense since Sahara is a human...sorry AHEM *cough cough* Scavenger thing.

Age: 4


Gender: Female


Tribe: Just a normal SandWing


Appearance: Dusty white like a normal SandWing with a bit of golden scales on her underbelly, black scales by her eyes.

Add body shape, eye colour, height, etc etc

Sexuality: panromantic asexual

Okay cool. Don't see many of those.

Personality: EXTREMELY unsocial as she was not raised around other dragons, very bookish, worrisome and cautious, artistic, but also kind of sarcastic as she doesnt know how to interact with other dragons her age.

Actually pretty good, but add some more good traits to balance things out.

Attires: golden locket that she enchanted.


Powers:Animus, but never uses it because she is too worried. she a descendant of Jerboa? And also, you said she enchanted her

Abilities: Normal SandWing fire and tail


Queen supporting: Queen Palm and Queen Kite (she lives on SkyWing territory.)

Like the names.

Backstory: She was raised on a patch of SkyWing territory on the other side of the mountain range. Her parents were merchants.

Good for a minor character, but if persona/main character add much, much more detail.

Relatives: Mother: Owl
Father: Cobra
Baby brother: Eucalyptus

Cool names. I like Owl.

Crush: Raptor of the SkyWings

I like that name too.

Mates: um no

Ya duh

Dragonets: wth she's four


Other: Gold winglet of Jade Academy


Overall, I give Sahara a 6/10. Work on personaltiy, looks and backstory by adding more details.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now