"You better hope he's okay. Or your going to be dealing with more than just my lawyers," I spit "but I'm more concerned with what you did to my little sister,"

"The bitch needed it,"

I shove her and she smirks

"Even on an empty stomach you're fiesty,"

"Your going to jail," I say going toe to toe with her "and after I talk to my sister about what happened you'll be lucky to ever see the light of day again,"

"I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Kidnapping, identity theft, attempted murder," I say "fuck off you know who my mother is,"

"I never introduced myself as you, people just assumed- guess everyone thought you were a whore all along,"

"How do you look so much like me anyways?" I ask

"Well you might know my mom," she smirks "Ellie Blossom,"

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"This was your mother's plan?"

"Oh and you'll be lucky if KC can even look at you again," she smirks

I punch her in the face and she gasps

"Fucking bitch,"

The police come in and put her in cuffs.

"You know Topaz it's funny, cause to look this much alike you usually have to share a parent. I know who my daddy is- do you?"

I stutter and they drag her out.

"Lexi?" TJ asks

"SHES.. right," I say chasing them out

I stop her and look at her

"Who's your dad?"

"Oh honey you know, your mom killed him,"

They drag her past me and I drop to the ground.

Sperm donors are anonymous, but I think... Rielly Tremblay is my dad.

My mom comes over and I'm still sobbing.

"Baby, baby, you're okay!" She says hugging me

"Did you and mom know who my dad was?" I ask sobbing

"What, no- of course not,"

I keep crying and she kisses my temple.

"Baby were going to get you home and showered,"


"He's at the hospital, his parents are getting the next plane back. I will drop you off after we go see mom- she's very excited to see you,"

I nod and she drives home.

I go inside and Cheryl hugs me right away.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry," she says

"You have nothing to be sorry for mom," I say hugging her back "I'm okay,"

"Mommy, who's home?" KC says coming in "oh I'll go,"

She has a black eye and is walking with a limp.

"Not Kayc, wait. It's me!" I say

"Yeah I know," she says leaving

"Kaycee!" I say chasing her

"Please don't hit me okay I get it! You don't want me around,"

"Kayc look at me okay?" I say kneeling "that girl wasn't me, I promise. I was in a closet at school,"


"Remember mommy's cousin? That looks just like her?"

She nods and shrugs

"Her daughter looks like me,"

She hugs me and I smile

"It was so scary,"

"I know, I know,"

I go shower and come back downstairs.

"Can we go see Hudson,"

"One second kiddo, come sit down," Cheryl says


I sit down and she sighs.

"Mama said you asked about your birth father, why?"

"That girl.. she's Ellie Blossom and.. Reilly Tremblay's kid,"

"What?" They both say

"And she said to look so much alike.. we would need the same dad,"

"Well I can assure you- your dad is not Rielly Tremblay,"

"How would you know?"

"Baby.. at one point I had the same suspicion I had a thought that something happened, but we had your DNA tested and you're not his daughter. Your dad has never committed a crime,"

"Oh.. okay, is that it?"

They look at eachother and shrug.

"Your genetic makeup just came back after all these years and it seems a DNA match did come back.."


"You know your father..."

Black Leather Jackets: College BoundWhere stories live. Discover now