
Start from the beginning

Chatter filled the hall, along with the noise of knives and forks bashing against plates and bowls. Cassie sat with her head resting in her hand once again, her other hand holding her fork, which was slowly pushing food around her plate.

She was on her second helping, but she began to feel sick as she ate, so instead she just sat there. Listening as people around her talked and laughed with their friends.

Soon the plates were replaced with bowls filled of ice-cream and jelly, cakes filling plates, different sauces and custards next to them, some warm and some chilled.

Cassie smiled softly as she caught Regulus' eye, the boy smiling widely at her as he spooned more treacle tart into his mouth. Cassie thought that he already looked happier being at Hogwarts, happier than he had ever looked at Grimmauld Place, his smile actually eating his eyes as he smiled at someone one of his friends had said, his troubles gone for the time being, even if it was only for a short while.

Soon, the sound of people eating had ceased, knives, forks and spoons placed in empty bowls and on empty plates. Dumbledore waved his hand, and all the plates disappeared, the tables once again clear.

All eyes went to Dumbledore as he stood up, walking towards the owl podium that was just infront of the teachers table.

The owls golden wings spread out as if it were about to take flight as Dumbledore approached, holding them still as the headteacher stopped, his twinkling eyes looking out over the students.

"For those old, welcome back to Hogwarts, and go those new, welcome to Hogwarts." His eyes scanned over a few of the first years, a smile appearing on his face as he nodded his head slightly at them, his way of greeting them.

Cassie looked up at Dumbledore, suppressing her yawn as he went on about the rules of the year, she pulled as slight face, mouthing along as he told the students, once again, that they weren't allowed to go near the forbidden forest.

Like anyone listens to this shit.

She thought, smiling slightly at herself.

"Oi, Dumbles!" Cassie rolled her eyes, but chucked slightly as she turned to face the Gryffindor table, instantly recognising the voice as Sirius'.

The boy was standing on the bench, his hand resting on James head for support, his other hand cupped around his mouth to amplify the noise, as all attention turned on him.

Sirius wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he puckered up his lips and blew Dumbledore an over-dramatic kiss, winking as he did so.

Cassie let out a laugh, but her laugh stopped as she watched Dumbledore pretend to catch the kiss in his hand, then tap his heart with the hand he had caught it in, sending Sirius a wink back.

James stood up in disbelief and walked out of the Great Hall, the door slamming closed behind him.

Laughs sounded out throughout the hall, the three Marauders left, being the loudest, even McGonagall let a small chuckle pass through her lips.

Everyone's eyes were either on Sirius or Dumbledore, apart from one person.

Evan Rosier, who was staring at Cassie, a smug smirk on his face.


"I honestly don't have a fucking clue." Cassie responded as she sat down next to Lily at the Gryffindor table the next morning, instantly throwing a few pieces of toast onto the plate infront of her.

"But you've had all summer to think about it Cassie,' Lily said, shaking her head as she looked at the girl.

"I know that, but there's only really one subject I need to take if I want to teach."

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