one hundred and four

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THE SUN WAS HIGH IN THE SKY - ITS golden rays were warming the freshly cut grass that covered the ground below.The rays broke through the few fluffy, white clouds that drifted along the blue sky.

The grass swayed in the same breeze, moving slightly to the side, the flowers danced and a few of their petals blew away with the soft wind.

Birds sung from their nests in the trees, their songs a beautiful melody that calmed everyone who heard them. Groups of birds flew high in the sky, their wings spread far as they flew with the wind in their feathers and the sun on their backs.

Waves rippled along the surface of the black-lake, they blurred the colourful fish swimming just below the surface and the weeds that grew amongst the soft-grey stones. The giant-squids tentacles rested just above the water, splashing a few of the students who sat near it and basking in the warm sun.

All of Hogwarts was wrapped in a warm blanket of golden, no fires or candles were lit in the school as they sun reached nearly everywhere; the corridors were empty and the classrooms vacant - all the students were sitting outside, some had gone up to Hogsmede for the final time that school year while others decided just to stay at School.

A group of eight sixth years sat under the shade of one of the large trees that lined the Forbidden Forrest, they were just close enough to the forest to hear the hooves of centaurs as they ran but not close enough to see anything inside.

Cassie was sitting with her back against the tree, her eyes closed as she embraced the rays of sun that poked through the gaps in the branches and warmed up her face. James was resting his head on her lap, his body perpendicular to hers. Cassie ran her hands through James hair, scratching certain parts of his head as she did so.

Remus and Sirius sat opposite them, their heads in the sun while the lower halves of their bodies were not. Sirius was sitting besides Remus with his head resting on his shoulder, the taller boy had his arm wrapped around the others shoulder and they were both huddled closely together.

Lily, Marlene, Alice and Peter were all spread out in a circle with the others. Marlene was laying on the floor in a starfish shape, Peter was just sitting up, his legs and arms crossed as he watched the others with a cheesy grin on his face. Lily and Alice were sat next to each other, Lily kept picking flowers and putting them in Alice's hair.

It was peaceful.

"Ten year old me would be both terrified and in awe of who I am now." James spoke up, interrupting the silence within the friends.

"Ten year old me wouldn't think I'd ever get this far." Remus said not long after James, Cassie opened her eyes for a moment to see Sirius hold onto Remus a little bit tighter.

"Ten year old me wouldn't believe it when I say I'm actually happy." Sirius looked over at his sister just in time to see her nod in agreement.

James grabbed one of her hands and pressed a quick kiss to it, his finger than ran over the ring he had given her only a few weeks before and he smiled softly.

"Ten year old me would be happy to know that's it's fine to like the same gender." Marlene spoke up in a dreamy voice, she let out a yawn not long after.

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