one hundred and eleven

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( chapter )one hundred and eleven

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( chapter )
one hundred and eleven

DYLAN AND WILL STOOD WITH THEIR arms crossed and confused expressions etched upon both of their faces. They shared a quick look before looking back at Cassie and James, who were standing in front of them. Lily stood off to the side and was repeatedly shaking her head as Cassie spoke.

The five of them where standing on the beach where Cassie had first met the two boys.

Golden sand was already being kicked up with each and every step, sticking to legs and making its way into shoes - where it will remain forever. It crunched slightly under their weight but was soft on their feet, quickly indenting the ground with the grips on the bottom of their shoes.

Waves that were pattered with different shades of blues and white crashed against the surface of the sand, spraying water at anyone who was too close. The cool spray, however, was refreshing in the hot weather. Every so often, ripples would appear in the water a little bit away from shore and as a fish rose to surface, however it darted back down before any got a proper look at it. A few people were swimming and embracing the contrast of the cold water on their skin.

The sun was high in the sky, each one of its golden rays worked together to create what seemed like the hottest weather that it possibly could. The rays casted a warm blanket of gold over the beach and what was around it. A few white, fluffy clouds were dotted around the sky, being moved slightly in the small breeze.

Cassie, James and Lily decided it would be a good idea to try and explain to Will and Dylan where they had been all year. However, none of them could come up with a good enough explanation that didn't give away everything.

Which was why, when it came to meeting up with them, Cassie just said that they went on a group holiday and then got lost in the great rainforests of Peru. And it would've been at least believable, if Cassie didn't completely make up the name of a rainforest when Will asked her which one.

"That's not a real place?" Will asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at Cassie who looked as if she was going to hit herself.

"I'm so sorry, the memories of being lost for ten months have just filled my entire head and I cannot bear to speak the real name other wise I feel as though I will perish."

Will and Dylan shared another look.


"It's not!"

"You still look as pale as they day you supposedly went on this holiday-"

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