Chapter 39: Ran over by a Bike

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You were definitely nervous on the way home. You didn't expect Marinette to even suggest whoever the hell 'luka' is.

Not that it was a bad thing he was invited. From what Marinette told you as a brief summary, he's a chill upperclassman she's friends with and thought you'd get along well with.

It didn't help that she texted you a little winky face either..

You blew a tuft of stray hair out of your face in frustration, your feet moving at a quicker pace then the late businessmen on the sidewalks. The soles of your feet were in pain from walking so inhumanely quick instead of just running.

You ignored it. Just go home, tell your parents you're going out, maybe freshen up a bit, walk to the ice skating rink.

'Hope you don't make this chill guy think you're super annoying..' your brain added bitterly, making you want to punch yourself. Even your brain was annoying.

Your apartment building came into view and you felt relief wash over your body, taking a sharp swerve to your left. You took your keys out and swiftly stuck it in the keyhole with a twist to the gold knob.

You pushed the door open and low and was just your mom in the house from what it seemed. Your hand gently shut the door behind you during your scan around the living room and kitchen.

Kitchen was empty, and your only parent home was casually on the couch going through tik tok from the sounds of the obnoxious music.

Dad probably went to work, but at least SOMEONES home.

You smiled in endearment, approaching behind the couch and looking over her shoulder.

"Hey mom!" You greeted, and she turned her body to face you sideways. A soft smile was on her face while her blue eyes had their full attention on you.

"Hey! How was school?" She asked kindly, giving your cheeks individual pecks in greeting.

Your parents were the only exception to this.

"It was fine, but I was asked to hang out at the ice skating rink in an can I go? Please?" You asked, fingers crossed behind your back she'd say yes to you.

Luckily, she nodded casually at the idea, "yeah, sure. Come back by 8, no later. It gets dark. Also..whos going?" Annndd theres the catch. The smug little question that she knew the answer to.

A pink hue tinged your cheeks, lips pursing into a straight line. You leaned back and forth on your heels, messing with the straps of your backpack.

"Marinette, adrien, and some mystery guy" you plainly answered, hoping she'd show interest in literally anyone but adrien.

She got the memo by then with a satisfied look on her face. You were grateful she wouldn't mention it anymore-

"Mystery guy, eh? Have fun with that dear~" she finally teased, but it wasn't about adrien.

She always found a way around it..moms are either the smartest or most oblivious people alive.

You rolled your eyes at her comment, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. As soon as you felt the heat you turned on your heel and dashed up the stairs with an, "OKAYTHANKSMOM" echoing behind you.

You opened the door to your room, and though it was a soft noise, you heard your moms amused giggles for a few seconds before the obnoxious music from her app continued.

A slow smile fondly pulled at your lips with the sound of her laughter, stepping into your room to change prepare. More mentally then physically, of course.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now