Chapter 8: New School

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After the akuma attack, a normal Sunday bloomed the next morning. That day, you unpacked your clothes and set up your room.

With your belongings scattered around, you shockingly felt this foreign place become a potential safe area. However, it felt embarrassing to ask your mom if she owned a sewing machine.

Thankfully, she did, a newer one, so after a chatty call with adrien, you finished your mask during the depths of the night.

You worked so hard on the finished piece you fell asleep an hour before your alarm.

It was a beautiful Monday morning in Paris, various shades of pinks and oranges blending the perfect mixture to create a sunrise. The light snuck past your curtains, coming in as an unavoidable brightness.

To put the cherry on top, your alarm blared, making it the moment you felt yourself internally die.

Under the sheets hid the highly sleep deprived and unmotivated teenager— aka, you.

Your hand reached out to blindly turn the alarm off, your eyes drooping to fall back asleep.

"Why do I have an alarm..?" You croaked to yourself, suddenly feeling your heart drop.

"School" you groaned, attempting to curl into a ball and hide within the warm blankets.

You were so close to the edge of the bed you ended up falling off, landing hard on your knees. It shook the small perfume bottles and colorful pens in the room.

"Ah! Shit.." you rubbed your eyes aggressively, finally taking a staggering stand.

Standing up so quickly made your vision black out your surroundings, causing you to sigh in disappointment.

'Stupid iron deficiency..'

A gentle knock came from the door, accompanied by a concerned voice coming through,

"Honey! Are you okay?" Your mother asked, wondering whether she should call an ambulance.

Your brain didn't process what she said until a few seconds went by, making you slur a response,

"Yeah, sure, I'm awake. I'm good" you patted your cheeks, looking through your closet to find the most comfortable clothes you could find.

"Well, alright sweets, I'll be downstairs making you breakfast! You can't go to school on an empty stomach" She chirps, her footsteps fading when she walked down the stairs.

You picked out one of your newer hoodies to wear to school, randomly pulling out an outfit that seemed at least decent.

After falling asleep on the table after breakfast, you were off to school dressed nicely.

You had on your oversized black jacket with a graphic tee underneath, layered chain necklaces that obviously weren't real, but, fashion.

You felt like a sore thumb among the crowd who wore much simpler clothes, making you stand out with your modern choice of clothes. You fiddle with a dangling earring anxiously.

'California did this to me' you thought miserably as you felt peoples occasional stares.

Thankfully, you were mostly busy texting adrien the lifeline during your walk to prison.

I'm being stared at rn and I'm internally screaming

I wish I could help but you're in California :(

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