Chapter 30: Cupids Good Deed

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"Now that it's lunch, mind telling us what happened in the bathroom?" Alyas voice flowed through your ears.

You shuffled further to your right, staring at the selection before you rather than answering.

Diced up fruit. God, you loved fruit. If you could, you'd get more than the lousy one bowl allowed. You hastily took the bowl you deemed had the most fruit, chirping a "thank you!" to the lunch ladies.

You shuffled down to grab a plate of chicken with a side of salad, mostly made up of shredded carrots. Not that you cared, as you also swooped a piece of baguette and Camembert.

"Hello? (Name)?" Another voice cut in, this time from Marinette.

The three of you have gotten your meals, and you were the last one. Your friends were sadly waiting for you right outside the lunch line.

Darn you for having good friends.

"So rumor has it were doing a math project-" you attempted to sway the subject, but brutally cut off, "not working on us" Alya shook her head. You all were about to sit at an empty table until you spotted adrien and nino looking for a table.

An escape!

"Hey guys! Come sit with us" you waved them over, catching their attention. Alya nudged Marinette at the fact adrien was coming, making her face turn red.

"Hey guys!" Adrien greeted, and nino gave everyone a nod, "sup dude and dudettes"

"Let's sit!" You grabbed adrien and Marinettes wrists, dragging them to sit down with you. Adrien was sandwiched between you two while Alya sat across from Marinette with nino.

The poor baker was a hot mess, and the air was thick.

Adrien perked a brow at you, "you're never this nervous" he pointed out, then added, "is this about what happened in bustiers class?"

"Shes avoiding it" Alya blatantly stated, everyone's eyes burning into you.

It was in that moment you were stuffing your face with fruit, cheeks puffy.

"..(name), if I give you my fruit then will you talk?" Adrien attempted bribing, making you immediately swallow your fruit, "of course, give it here pr- agreste"

Adrien slid his fruit cup over to you, momentarily freezing that your nickname for him almost slipped. You played it off easy.

"Here, let me give you something.." you plucked your Camembert from your tray, planting it with adriens.

He flushed in embarrassment, not sure how to respond. He hated the stuff, but Plagg was probably screaming with joy..

"You always smell like this cheese which means you like it, right?"

He flushed further. He was surely going to groan to Plagg after school.

You looked at everyone else at the table, "alright then, ready for my summary?"

Nods came from everyone. You grinned at their curiosity, no feeling less embarrassed.

They were all desperate for a story, so you'd give them one without shame.

"I tried actually talking to her..I wanted to let her know I was trying my hardest not to hate her, but she didn't care. I was literally pouring my heart out- DONT look at me like that guys! I tried a different approach, okay? Anyway, I ended up getting mad at the end and left, couldn't help being passive aggressive. Surprisingly though, she actually came back. She didn't tell me she would though.." you recited, everyone's expressions varying throughout the re-tell.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now