Chapter 37: Solemn Chat

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You shoveled ice cream in your mouth, feeling a bit gloom. Marinette decided to go home early, and everyone else thought it was best to end the night there.

And thus there you were, walking past the multiple buildings by the sidewalk to reach your apartment complex with a half eaten ice cream. You had texted adrien on your way back, saying it was a mission success instead of saying how badly it went. Yup. #1 liar in the house.

He didn't respond anyway, so you took it as a sign he was busy and continued your slow walk, noticing that the sun was going down the slower you went.

But you couldn't help it! You wanted to take in as much sun as possible, since the warmth from earlier brought you comfort and actually made you tired. Maybe you could take a nap before going out?

Perhaps. You continued your slow walk until it was completely dark, at this point at the bottom half of your ice cream. You enjoyed the unique vanilla taste that melted onto your tastebuds.

These colors were admittedly similar to your last cone, but you knew they were different. The features were very..similar though.

Blonde hair, dark green eyes?

Your brain rattled, scrambling for a connection, but you instinctively stopped in your tracks. You were confused until you saw the familiar front door- muscle memory was saving your life.

'I would've walked by my own house..' you plucked your keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door, finishing up your ice cream and starting to eat the cone.

You pushed the door open and walked it, gently closing it behind you. Your parents were in the living room, and you immediately knew they were playing Mario kart by the sounds of it.

You peeked around the corner, watching from behind the couch as they bickered.

"Aren't you supposed to let me win?"

"That's not what you were saying 20 minutes ago LINDSEY"

"You're just mad I had a win streak GEORGE"

You quietly chuckled, chiming in, "I'm back. Dad, you know you suck at Mario kart. Win for me mom- I'm going to my room"

You got a "will do!" And a "HEY" from both your parents. They usually would've asked how your day went and listened, but they'd sometimes be in these intense tournaments against each other.

Not that you minded of course. It was endearing to see parents that were actually in love, especially with your dad being in and out of the house for work more often.

With a fond smile, you walked upstairs and headed into your bedroom, gently shutting the door as you finished up the last of your waffle cone. You sat on the bed and stretched, mixed feelings swirling in your chest about the day.

'I'm tired but why do I still feel uneasy? It's probably because of how uncomfortable today was..damn' you sighed. There were moments you felt like sleeping in all day and as soon as you would try, the feeling would magically disappear.

Your body pretty much hates you.

Rubbing your tired eyes, your eyes averted to the moonlight peaking in past the cracks of your curtains. It was lovely with its pale light to mesmerize anyone who stared too long.

Maybe going outside could help you grow sleepy again. Worth a shot, since you need as much as you can get.

You rose up from your bed, hearing it creak from the lifted weight. You walked over to the curtains and pushed them open, unlocking your door.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now