Chapter 20: Sleepy Revelation

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Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.



The ground felt like individual pieces of jagged rock piercing through the limp corpse, each rock individually stabbing at the skin.

Legs couldn't move, trembling. Arms stiff. Fingers could barely curl without a hot pain shooting through them.

Can't breathe.

Can't breathe.

Can't breathe.

Your eye shot open and you gasped for air, sitting up to cough aggressively. Your body hacked forward as you kept coughing, left with a sore throat and speckles of drool on your cracked lips.

You wiped it off with the sleeve of your pajamas, noticing your hair once again hanging in the air.

You were on the ceiling, sat there due to your uncontrollable sticking.

What a surprise.

You stuck your palms to the ceiling and let your body unstick, dangling until you let your palms go as well.

You landed on the floor soundlessly, and almost felt yourself gasp as you saw your room.

A mess.

The once neat bedsheets were thrown carelessly off the mattress, clothes scattered along the floor. The curtains of your balcony, that were once closed, were pooled on the floor.

The moon was in full view, reflecting on your skin with its pale glow. You could've sworn you even got a glimpse of glowing blue on your fingertips.

You blinked, and it was gone.

You didn't think too much into it, deciding to pick up your curtains and set them back up.

Picking the clothes up and folding them.

Redoing the sheets.

Not going back to sleep.





Your body was sprawled out over the carpet, deciding to lay there instead of the bed. You were scared you'd ruin it again.

You tried staying up the entire night, dozing off only to shoot back awake to a blaring alarm.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes in a daze. You had school today, just your luck.

With gargled mumbles, you sluggishly stood up and threw on your clothes for school.

You then clipped your webshooters on your wrist, covered completely by your oversized sweaters sleeves.

You transferred your folded suit into the bottom of your school backpack rather then keeping it in your traveling one, slipping the bag on.

It felt heavier than usual, like a burden.

You slipped on your shoes and walked out of your room with droopy eyes, heading to the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth.

You didn't even look in the mirror, immediately going down the stairs when you were done. You decided to head straight to school instead of waiting, or even eating.

Your mom caught on, stopping you by the door. Her hand sat on your shoulder, and your head lulled to face her.

"You're not eating break- oh god did you even sleep?" She gawked, eyeing the deep bags starting to form. You've always had them, but with your sluggish movements it was made a lot more obvious.

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