Chapter 23: Abrupt Invitations

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"You sure about this, girl? You were jealous of them just a month ago. Yknow, with the whole photo shoot thing?" Alya leaned against the wall, her arms loosely crossed.


"AND when you invited them over just to see if there's a reason not to like them?" Alya continued.

"Yeah I..I feel so guilty alya! (Name) turned out to be such a nice person and I feel horrible for thinking badly about them. They didn't even know about it either..I want to be a real friend this time, starting with this" Marinette expressed, her eyes pooled with guilt. She seemed determined to make up for her mistakes, and Alya gave her a smile of approval.

"The things love does to you, huh?"

Marinette have Alya a weak smile, nodding her head.

"It makes me go nuts!" She joked, and Alya laughed softly.

"At least you're improving. Now, let's invite (name) to our sleepover!"

"I still don't get why you invited me out're weird dude" you purposely bumped your shoulder into your blonde friend, who stumbled a bit before bumping into your arm in retaliation.

"Oh hush, you could've stayed locked up in your room" he chuckled, smoothly avoiding your claim. You rolled your eyes playfully.

Adrien was nervous. You could feel something might've been up, but here he was, smiling and laughing with you at the park.

You were suddenly invited out by an abrupt text from him, which was already odd.

Now here you were, walking toward a nicely shaded bench. Adrien seemed to be walking faster than usual too, while you were more on the slow side.

He turned his head to look back at you, noticing your slow pace. He proceeded to take a hold of your wrist, making your heart leap at the sudden grab. His hold was firm, but was gentle as if he was afraid to hold you too tight.

With eyes as wide as dinner plates, you were almost dragged behind him like a lost puppy.

"Why did you grab me I'm suing you for assault-"

"Sit down with me already," He sat down, gently tugging your wrist to make you do so as well.

"Whatever flows your boat" You complied, settling down with your body facing Adrien as best you could.

He mirrored your actions, looking into your eyes. They almost seemed to look deep into your soul.

"So this is kinda awkward for me..but (name).." he sucked in a breath, and your tilted your head as you listened.


Your phone suddenly rang obnoxiously, and you jumped. You felt around all your different pockets before fishing your phone out of your back pocket, almost dropping it as you answered a call from..


You pursed your lips before answering the call, holding your phone to your ears.

"Hey (name)! We didn't really get to hang out more out of babysitting manon, and I'm having a sleepover with Alya at her house. Since you're really cool I thought we'd all have a girls night, you in?" Her soft voice penetrated your ears, and you could hear her excitement. You smiled immediately.

They wanted you there.

"Of course! What time?" You chirped, and Adriens head perked as he heard you making plans.

Where were you going?

"Really? Awesome! It starts at six, so come in your pjs and with your essentials. Can't wait to see you there" she sang, and the phone suddenly shuffled.

"Yeah! Don't be late, or I'll drag you over!" Alya claimed, and you could hear Marinette giggling as she asked for her phone back.

The phone shifted on the other side, and your ears were blessed with a bubbly Marinette.

"Well, see ya (name)!" She hung up, and you were met with three quick beeps. You remained stunned, smiling ear to ear.

Adrien simply stared, a brow raised. Before he could even speak, you hugged him out of pure excitement.

He shivered, hit with a wave of cold. Was it coming from you?

"My first sleepover! Marinette invited me to my first sleepover, and it's today!" You yelled in his ear. Your arms shook the poor boy, leaving him with light pink cheeks and a shaken mess.

"Woah! I'm so happy for you (name). Tell me how it goes" Adrien finally peeped from over your shoulder, arms finally wrapping around you to hug back.

You pulled away soon after a few seconds, a bit bouncy out of excitement. Adrien had a soft smile as he watched your childlike behavior.

Before deciding you wanted to go home, you put your excitement on pause and stopped bouncing, looking deeply into Adriens eyes.

"Hey, what were you gonna tell me anyway?" You finally questioned, and he only waved his hand in dismissal.

"Nothing important, now go! Get ready" he responded, urging you on.

With a moments hesitation, you gave his hair an affection ruffle before dashing off.

"Bye, Gucci model!"

"It's agreste!" He called after you, and he heard a faint yell of 'whatever!' Before you turned the corner.

You left.

Adrien remained on the bench calmly, his smile still lingering. Plagg flew out from his pocket, waving a hand at his owners face.

"You didn't get to tell them, yknow" the kwami pointed out, and the teen simply shook his head.

"No..I didn't. They seemed so happy though, did you see their face? They lit up. I didn't wanna waste a second of their time" he spoke truthfully, and Plagg practically gagged.


"At least I don't smell like smelly Camembert" the green eyed boy retorted.

"Besides.." he continued, eyes lingering at the direction you ran.

"We can do it next time"

Not the best chapter, but..👀👀

Anyway, everyone please stay safe and keep calm during our whole COVID pandemic. Wash your hands, practice good hygiene.

School for me has been cancelled, so I'll have time to write and hopefully publish more. Take care guys, and thanks for 9k reads! I really don't deserve it.

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