Chapter 35: Take Two

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You spent your day relaxing, having your parents check up on you occasionally, and a half assed 'get better soon' text from your real mom. Your real dad didn't say anything.

Your friends? They all asked if you were okay by spamming your phone throughout the day. It was heartwarming they actually missed you.

You almost didn't expect that they would, bitterly enough. God, if they saw you right now they'd think it's an entirely different person.

But it was just you. Really you. A pessimistic girl sticking her nose where she shouldn't.

You were currently jumping from building to building at 1 am, scouting out suspicious people. The streets were vacant and there were occasional lit up windows from homes.

No matter how much you scanned though, you couldn't find activity out in the open. Did that stop you though? Nah.

But you did take a break when it hit three. Your legs dangled off the edge of the roof of a convenient store, body hunched over and gazing at the Eiffel Tower from a distance. You could see it's silhouette.

Did those strange men even know you'd be coming?

The thought made you furrow your brows. No, they'd try to kill you if anything, so they'd have to know.

As your thoughts battled, you spotted movement from a distance. You set your gaze hard on it to realize it was someone dressed in black and briskly walking down the sidewalk.

You were hasty to quietly jump up on your feet and use a web to swing yourself over, watching them  from above a building next to them.

Where was this guy going..?

You were tailing them, and then they stopped in front of a bank. Their movements were almost robotic, unsure.

Were they about to commit a robbery?

Well, speaking that they were getting a little something out of their backpack, a crowbar, it was quite obvious.

You had to stop them. You've seen enough.

You slid down the side of the building and leaped off, running toward the person and shooting the crowbar out of their hand.

It stuck to the wall, and what was heard to be a mans surprised gasp caught your ears. The man turned around to face where the web came from, met with a square jump kick in the side.

He hit his side against the wall on impact, his body curling up on the floor. He was groaning in pain, but you ignored him, revealing yourself and grabbing his collar to hold his body up against the wall.

He squirmed, but your grip was as tight as iron. He wasn't likely to get out of it.

"Not smart. Now tell me, what the hell is going on around here?" You hissed, and the man stared blankly at you.

"Well, are you going to answer?" You asked impatiently, and the guy stayed tight lipped. He averted his gaze from you, nervous to look into your masks white eyes.

Why does he look so guilty?

During your stare down, you felt chills down your spine. Your spidersense was going crazy, making you stiffen up.

Was this..

A click went off behind you.

You let go of the man and moved out of the way, a loud bang sounding and the wind of a gunshot passing by your head.

'These fuckers tried to kill me! This was a trap' you thought, turning around to expect his comrade, but..

There were three comrades instead of the expected one. And the previous guy behind you, who was their dummy, ended up taking the shot in the shoulder, groaning with a hand covering his bleeding wound.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now