Chapter 38: Ice Plan

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"And that is how plasma is able to help benefit..."

The classroom was dark, the only light source being from a video playing on the projector. It was a topic you were learning about because of a potential field trip mentioned by your science teacher.

Right now was a basic introduction to things about the lab and what they're studying, but you took it as an opportunity to cherish your free time instead.

You sat at the back of the class, a vacant seat to your left. Your seatmate went to the bathroom, likely to be back in a minute, but leaving the perfect opportunity to continue your..activities.

It was just the right time.

You looked down at the chicken scratch of chemical reactions you wrote on a crumbled sticky note, carefully opening the drawer to the side of your desk.

You quickly used chemical droplets from a test tube with orange liquid, carefully pouring it into the beaker in your desk drawer. The grayish fluid inside reacted by turning solid.

You sneakily grabbed a mixer and quickly stirred before it hardened.

The web fluid puffed up and stuck to the mixer. It was complete, and very sticky. Just like you needed it.

You quietly shut the drawer and continued to pay attention to the video, wondering how no one even batted an eye at you. It was surely strange, but you didn't question the obliviousness everyone held.

This was the same place with akumas and superhero's they haven't found the identities of yet. You felt like it was painfully obvious, but that something mentally blocked you from figuring it out.


Regardless, you shook the thought off and sleepily paid attention to the pointless video with its pristine lab seen to be so clean it strained your eyes. Your cheek smooshed against the palm of your curled hand wearily.

The lights hit you in a way that tired you. You couldn't help it, especially after the sleep depriving experiences you've had during night patrols.

So far all the events seem to be strangely set up too. Sure, you encountered them, but it didn't give you answers.

The second one was more useful then the first for sure though. If you wanted answers, you'd legitimately have to ask someone you've encountered before to tell you what was going on.

Your best bet would be the terrified man you saved. You remembered his face, but never got a name.

..and like the gods heard you from above, a familiar face suddenly flashed the projector screen. Your posture shot up immediately, but once again, there was no name to verify him on.

Despite that, you immediately knew that the unshaven face, big eyes, and much nicer looking hair belonged to the man you saved.

He was a scientist? A scientist forced to rob a bank?

"Right now the labs been experimenting with the healing properties of plasma, and right now they're trying to get a new project funded-"

Your partners silhouette blocked your view, making you divert your attention to him.

"I'm back" he whispered, and you gave a nod.

Max quietly sat down and started watching as well, but not before momentarily darting his eyes to see you looking so focused.

It was strange.

"Did I miss anything interesting during the video? I was quite interested in the teachers talk about the plasma donations" he asked, wondering if you actually knew what was going on.

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