Chapter 9: United

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Ms. Bustier noticed there were already full pairs of students sitting with one another, the extra desk that was expected to arrive delayed.

"Hm, (Name), you can sit with Marinette and Alya for the meantime. Marinette, alya, raise your hands" the teacher requested, and the two girls raised their hands.

You already recognized Marinette, but alya was a new face. Her hair was auburn, more of a natural color than Marinette's.

They both sat right behind adrien, and your heart pounded when you approached the desks. You could tell adrien was staring at you, and you spared him a glance before sitting right behind him.

You received a tablet to do your work on while everyone else took theirs out,

"Oh, hey, you're the person that I met the other day! I can actually see your face" Marinette gawked, and you leaned on your palm, staring at the back of adriens head.

"Yeah, I don't have a hood on today. And I can tell this is the guy that you said was in your class" you hummed, and you can see adrien visibly stiffen that you talked about him.

You couldn't wait to talk to him.

"O-oh. Yeah. Oh, I know you heard, but this is-" Marinette was cut off by her partner;

"I'm alya. If you don't have anyone to hang out with, we'd be glad to have a new friend" she said, and you nodded, letting out a quiet yawn.

"Alright class, go to page 465 on your tablets and read the following. Then, please answer the questions"

You were so close to falling asleep already.

After constantly jerking awake in English, you had your science class that thankfully had the correct chemicals to create your spider webs. You took a few power naps between the lecture, trying not to miss the entire period.

You somehow knew what you were learning about by the time the bell rung. It was easy to understand, so you had no problem.

In this class, Adrien was in it as well. He would constantly stare your way, but at this point, you were too tired to realize.

You packed your bag by the time other students were shuffling out of class, but heard footsteps approaching you at the same time.

Your defensive senses suddenly went off the charts with your prickling goosebumps, feeling a presence behind you.

Torn out of your sleepy state, hands forcefully grabbed onto the fingers about to jab your sides.

"Ow! I was just trying to surprise you" groaned the all too familiar voice, and you let his fingers go apologetically.

"Sorry, princey. You scared me-" you turned around, slinging your backpack over your shoulders. You were shocked that adrien was taller then you, making you look up at him.

A plus was that he was a lot cuter in person.

"Is this a dream?" You blurted, squinting at the attractive blonde. He laughed softly, pulling you in for a tight hug.

"Nope, in the flesh" he whispered.

You felt tears well up in your eyes, almost collapsing into his warm hold. You felt like you were at home.

The tender moment was interrupted by a loud noise of someone clearing their throat,

"Are you done yet?" The teacher asked in irritation, drinking her coffee with a look of pure judgement on her face.

You felt yourself jerk away from Adrien, embarrassed for being called out.

"Um, y-yeah. Lets go, Adrien" you blinked away your glossy eyes, grabbing his wrist and leading the two of you out of the classroom.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now