Chapter 32: Despair

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It was a mostly minimal chat the rest of the day  until the cleaning punishment was over. More talking on your behalf however, since adrien was still upset with what happened with chloe.

You got a good few smiles and chuckles out of him, but he was still feeling bummed in the end. You knew the best you could do for adrien is to give him support.

After putting away the cleaning supplies when the end of the day grew near, you and adrien hung out under the stairs.

"You know, I'm sure chloe would come around. You're an amazing friend, and she actually likes you, so I'm sure you could be friends again somehow" you said, making the blonde give you a lopsided smile, "I hope you're right. I don't want to ever get rid of my friends like that.." he rubbed his arms, and you knew that.

Adrien wants to love and cherish everyone, but it was hard when behavior like chloe's got in the way.

The bell rang out, making you adjust the straps of your backpack.

"Well, I'm off. I've got a walk home and I like leaving first" you winked, making him chuckle.

"Go, (name). I'll just stay here till it's less crowded outside" you nodded, about to leave, but you abruptly stopped and looked at the blonde boy.

He gave you a confused look, but before he knew it he was engulfed in a hug. He stiffened in surprise, but hugged back and gave you a squeeze.

"I know things will get better. Trust me" you mumbled, pulling away and properly waving goodbye.

Adrien waved back with a smile, watching you speed walk away.

You made it out the big doors and rushed down the stairs, dodging other students on the way down.

By the time you made it to the bottom, you took a swift turn to the right before the doors opened, out coming the call of your name.

You whipped your head around to find marinette rushing down toward you, tripping on the last step, but you leaned forward and caught her by the forearms.

Your heads had briefly bonked into each other, making you both groan.

"Im so sorry (name)! I got a bit clumsy there..but it was for a good reason!" She reassured, making you raise a brow, "you sure it was worth nearly falling down the stairs?"

"Well, no- I mean yes!-"

"And literally knocking our braincells out?"

She blushed at this point, laughing sheepishly, "well..n-not exactly. Firstly though, did you see the way chloe held adrien earlier? It was so irritating" she groaned, purposely hitting her head on your chest.

She had to hunch to do it though. You were only an inch taller then her, after all.

You snorted at her behavior regardless, "dude, shes always been like that. Don't let it get to you too much..was that all you needed to tell me, though?"

Marinettes head whipped back up to face you, face brightening as if she had something else in mind.

She in fact did.

"Oh yeah! I'm having girls from our class model some stuff I designed. Though it's good to have them, I think you would suit some of my pieces" she smiled, and you blushed.

You've really only modeled since the photoshoot adrien invited you to. And that was because you were forced to.

" as a model?" You verified, and she nodded furiously, "yeah! You'd look amazing in some of the hats and jewelry I made..but you don't have to if you're uncomfortable! You can help pick out jewelry for some of the other girls if you want!" She reassured, making you smile.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now